30 Best US Cities For Remote Workers [2024]

My wife and I have worked remotely together for almost a decade. Each time we choose a new place to visit/work, we balance several factors like Airbnb options, flight prices, cafes, cost of living, and more.  It sparked an idea. Remote workers need an unbiased list of the best US cities for remote work (based on real data). That’s what you’ll find below. After hours…

26 Medical Reasons To Work From Home

Many people have medical reasons to work from home. For them, remote work is a necessity, not a nice to have. I recently received an email from someone who downloaded our entry-level remote job starter pack. This personal interaction changed my view on the promise of remote work. Remote work is not just a lifestyle upgrade or unlock, as it has been for me. For…

Request Work From Home For Personal Reasons [Email Templates]

Sometimes, you’ll need to work from home for personal reasons (and you don’t want to state the reasons). We have a few email templates for your exact scenario. Here are four email request templates to work from home for personal reasons. Click one of the links below to jump to the template that fits your situation best: Personal reasons not stated Personal reasons stated Informing…

Request To Work From Home Due To Illness [Email Templates]

If you need to request to work from home due to illness–for a day or permanently–we have the right email templates for you below. Here are four email templates to request remote work for health-related reasons. Click any link below to jump to the sample email that fits your reason: Illness/sickness (temporary remote work) Medical condition (permanent remote work) Sick family member (temporary) Medical appointment…

“I Will Be Working From Home Today” [Email Template]

One way to tell your manager that you plan to work remotely for the day is simply to inform him or her: “I will be working from home today.” No need for an excuse or a reason.  If that’s the way you’d like to go about it, we have an email template for you to use.   “I will be working from home today” (notification)…

70 Reasons To Work From Home: Definitive List

After 10+ years in my home office, I’ve counted 70 unique reasons to work from home across seven categories. As a quick side note – I’ve covered similar topics like the benefits of remote work and excuses to work from home (temporarily or permanently). Click one of those links if it is a better fit. Otherwise, click below to jump to a category of great…

Requesting Work From Home: 18 Email Templates

If you need email templates to request to work from home, you’ve landed in the right place. Below, you’ll find 18 work-from-home email requests organized into two categories: temporary requests (for a day or two) and permanent. Click any link below to jump to the template that matches your work-from-home request. Table of Contents Temporary Permanent WFH Temporarily (Weeks) Request To Present In Person Notifying…


32 Programs To Strengthen Remote Work Culture

You’ve see PLENTY of advice about how to build a remote company culture. But most of the articles I see offer intangible and esoteric advice, like “embrace transparency.” For me personally, I can’t do anything with that. It’s too hard to read those and then implement something that we can actually do each day, week, or month to improve the culture. Here’s my idea: 🛑 …

27 Best Remote Side Hustles [2024]

There are two good ways to start a search for remote side hustles: 1) look for skills and careers that are conducive to online, remote side hustles, or 2) find a marketplace with online projects and jobs. In this article, we’ve covered both options in depth. Click a link below to start your remote side hustle search in whichever way works best for you: 27…

19 Valid Reasons To Leave Work Early

You may occasionally need to leave work early. We wanted to know what others in this position had done, so we asked our list of contributors for good excuses to leave work early. Their 19 suggestions range from excuses miss work on short notice to excuses that discourage questions (including bodily issues large and small), and excuses that can, if delivered correctly, make you look…