The Meeting Agenda Library: 50 Templates

Meeting Agenda Templates

Choose from one of 50 meeting agenda examples and templates organized into six categories – team meetings, one-on-one meetings, leadership, project management, by department, and onboarding.

Copy each meeting agenda template or download all 50 meeting agendas in Google Docs or Word.

Meeting Agenda Templates

👇 Team Meeting Agenda

👇 1:1 Meeting Agendas

👇 Leadership Meeting Agendas

👇 Project Management Meeting Agendas

👇 Meeting Agendas By Department

👇 Onboarding Meeting Agendas

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Team Meeting Agenda Templates

Here are 10 example agendas for team meetings you can use today. example agendas for meetings

If you’d like to use these agendas – and 40 more – download our remote meeting agenda library for $47. For less than one dollar per agenda, access every meeting agenda sample you need to run a well-oiled, distributed team.

Download meeting agenda templates


Weekly Team Meeting Agenda

Team meeting agendas

Access the free agenda in Docs | Download all 50 for $47

  • Description: Weekly team check-in meeting agenda covering progress updates, tasks, and feedback.
  • Attendees: Entire team (department for large companies, full staff for small companies)
  • Frequency: Weekly/bi-weekly
  • Duration: 30-45 minutes
  • Other names: Team Sync, Status Meeting

Learn more: Weekly Team Meeting Agenda Template


First Team Meeting Agenda

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  • Description: A simple agenda to introduce new team members to an existing team.
  • Attendees: Entire Team
  • Frequency: One-time
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Other names: New Team Kickoff, Onboarding Team Meeting

Learn more: First Team Meeting Agenda


All-Hands Meeting Agenda

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  • Description: A company-wide meeting focused on important updates and recognition, and to offer a chance for employees to ask questions.
  • Attendees: All Employees
  • Frequency: Monthly/Quarterly
  • Duration: 1-1.5 hours
  • Other names: Town Hall, Company Meeting

Learn More: All-Hands Meeting Agenda


Department/Staff Meeting Agenda

staff meeting agenda

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  • Description: Department-focused agenda covering the team’s critical metrics, progress on projects, and discussions on strategy.
  • Attendees: Department Members
  • Frequency: Bi-weekly/Monthly
  • Duration: 30-60 minutes
  • Other names: Department Sync, Staff Meeting, Department Meeting

Learn More: Staff Meeting Template


Brown Bag Session Agenda

Brown bag sessions

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  • Description: An informal meeting during a meal, usually at lunchtime (think: brown bag lunches from middle school) in which a group of colleagues talk and eat over a meal they bring.
  • Attendees: Full team (small companies), department staff, or people working on a project together
  • Frequency: Monthly, Adhoc
  • Duration: 30-60 minutes
  • Other names: Lunch and Learn, Brown Bag Meeting

Learn More: Brown Bag Session Agenda Template


Brainstorming Meeting Agenda

Brainstorming meeting agenda

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  • Purpose: To generate new ideas outside of daily work to propel the organization’s growth.
  • Attendees: Full team, executive team only, or whole staff (small companies)
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: 90 minutes

Learn More: Free Brainstorming Meeting Agenda


Simple 30-Minute Meeting Agenda

Simple 30-min meeting agenda

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  • Purpose: A simple, open-ended meeting agenda you can use for a 30-minute discussion in most situations.
  • Other names: Simple Meeting, Quick Meeting, Short Status Meeting
  • Duration: 30 minutes

Learn More: Simple 30-Minute Meeting Agenda


Simple 60-Minute Meeting Agenda

Simple 30-min meeting agenda

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  • Purpose: A simple, open-ended meeting agenda you can use for a 60-minute discussion in most situations.
  • Other names: One-Hour Meeting, Simple Meeting, Blank Meeting Agenda
  • Duration: 60 minutes

Learn More: Simple 60-Minute Meeting Agenda


Formal Meeting Agenda

Formal meeting agenda

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  • Description: A formal agenda covering call-to-order, attendance, reports, and presentations.
  • Other names: Official Meeting, Structured Meeting, Public Meeting

Learn More: Formal Meeting Agenda Template


Non-Work Meeting Agenda

non-work meeting agenda

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  • Description: To build personal relationships and company culture without discussing work.
  • Other names: Social Meeting, Team Building Session
  • Attendees: Entire team (department for large companies, full staff for small companies)
  • Frequency: Weekly/bi-weekly
  • Duration: 30-45 minutes

Learn More: Non-Work Meeting Agenda Template | How To Write A Meeting Agenda


One-On-One Meeting Agenda Templates

Here are 6 one-on-one meeting agenda templates you can use today.

If you’d like to use these agendas – and 44 more – download our remote meeting agenda library for $47. Access every meeting sample you need to run a well-oiled, distributed team.

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Standard 1:1 Meeting Agenda

One-on-one meeting agenda template

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  • Description: An open-ended meeting agenda for any two employees (or an employee and manager) to use on any frequency (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.)
  • Other names: Individual Meeting
  • Attendees: Manager and new employee
  • Frequency: Weekly, bi-weekly, quarterly
  • Duration: 30-60 minutes

Learn More: Standard One-On-One Meeting Agenda


Weekly 1:1 Meeting Agenda

weekly 1 on 1 meeting agenda

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  • Description: To catch up on weekly progress, address immediate concerns, and provide guidance for the upcoming week.
  • Other names: Recurring 1:1
  • Attendees: Employee and manager
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Duration: 30 minutes

Learn More: Weekly 1:1 Meeting Agenda


Goal-Setting 1:1 Meeting Agenda

goal-setting 1 on 1 meeting agenda

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  • Description: To set or review quarterly goals and align them with personal and organizational objectives.
  • Other names: Goal Planning Meeting
  • Attendees: Employee and manager
  • Frequency: Quarterly, Annually
  • Duration: 1 hour

Learn More: Goal-Setting 1:1 Agenda Template


Performance Review Meeting Agenda

performance review meeting agenda

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  • Description: To review achievements, provide feedback, and discuss career development.
  • Other names: 1:1 Performance Review, Evaluation Meeting
  • Attendees: Employee and manager
  • Frequency: Monthly, Quarterly, Annually
  • Duration: 1 hour

Learn More: One-on-One Performance Review Agenda


Mentoring Session Agenda

Mentoring session agenda

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  • Description: To provide a structured approach for effective mentoring sessions, ensuring goals are met and both mentor and mentee gain valuable insights.
  • Other names: Coaching Session, Mentor Meeting
  • Attendees: Mentor and mentee (one-on-one meeting)
  • Frequency: Adhoc, quarterly, annually
  • Duration: 60 minutes

Learn More: Mentoring Session Agenda


Skip-Level Meeting Agenda

Skip-level meetings

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  • Description: A discussion between an employee and the manager of the employee’s manager. It skips over the direct boss in the chain.
  • Other names: Skip-Level 1:1, Skip-Level Review
  • Attendees: Employee, Manager of the Employee’s Manager
  • Frequency: Adhoc, quarterly
  • Duration: 60 minutes

Learn More: Skip-Level Meeting Agenda


Leadership Meeting Agenda Examples

Here are 9 leadership meeting agenda examples you can use today.

If you’d like to use these agendas – and 41 more – download our remote meeting agenda library for $47. Get every meeting template you need to run a well-oiled, distributed team.

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Leadership Meeting Agenda

Leadership meeting agenda

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  • Description: A structured agenda focused on executive/management team discussions, strategic initiatives, and next steps.
  • Other names: Executive Meeting, Strategic Leadership Meeting
  • Attendees: CEO/President, CFO, COO, Heads of departments
  • Frequency: Weekly, Bi-Weekly
  • Duration: 60-90 minutes

Learn More: Leadership/Management Meeting Agenda


Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda: Day 1

strategic planning meeting agenda: day 1

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  • Description: A two-day agenda for leadership teams to assess and plan a multi-year strategy for the company.
  • Other names: Strategy Workshop, Strategic Planning Session, Business Planning Meeting
  • Attendees: Executive team
  • Frequency: Annually
  • Duration: 2 days

Learn more: Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Template


Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda: Day 2

strategic planning meeting agenda: day 2

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Learn more: Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda Template


Level-10 Meeting Agenda (EOS/Traction)

Level 10 meeting agenda template

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  • Description: The name “Level 10 Meeting” describes the pursuit of a meeting where everyone would rate it a 10/10. This meeting structure comes from the Entrepreneur’s Operating System (EOS) and is designed to minimize time-wasting and maximize problem-solving efficiency.
  • Other names: Traction Meeting, Pulse Meeting, EOS Meeting
  • Attendees: Leadership team
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Duration: 90 minutes

Learn More: Level-10 Meeting Agenda Template


Standard Board Meeting Agenda

Board meeting agenda template

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  • Description: To review routine operational matters, approve previous actions, and make key decisions on ongoing organizational initiatives.
  • Other names: Board Session, Executive Board Meeting
  • Attendees: Board members, CEO, CFO
  • Frequency: Monthly, quarterly, annually
  • Duration: 140 minutes

Learn More: Standard Board Meeting Agenda


Strategic Planning Board Meeting Agenda

strategic planning board meeting agenda

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  • Description: A strategic planning board meeting agenda pairs the executive team and the board of directors together to review long-term plans for the business.
  • Other names: Strategy Board Meeting, Strategic Governance Meeting
  • Attendees: Board members, CEO, key executive leadership
  • Frequency: Annually
  • Duration: 220 minutes

Learn More: Strategic Planning Board Meeting Agenda


Emergency Board Meeting Agenda

emergency board meeting agenda

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  • Description: An agenda for an unscheduled board meeting responding to an urgent and important issue facing the business.
  • Other names: Crisis Board Meeting, Urgent Board Session
  • Attendees: Board members, CEO, relevant people to the emergency 
  • Frequency: Ad hoc
  • Duration: 95 minutes

Learn More: Emergency Board Meeting Agenda


Nonprofit Board Meeting Agenda

nonprofit board meeting agenda template

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  • Description: A nonprofit-focused board meeting agenda covering mission moments, fundraising, and executive sessions.
  • Other names: Charity Board Meeting, Nonprofit Governance Session
  • Attendees: Board members, Executive Director, and occasionally special guests (donors, partners)
  • Frequency: Bi-monthly, quarterly
  • Duration: 195 minutes

Learn More: Nonprofit Board Meeting Agenda Template


Open-Ended Board Meeting Agenda

open-ended board meeting agenda

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  • Description: A blank, open-ended board meeting agenda with simple categories that you can customize.
  • Other names: Flexible Board Session, Customizable Board Meeting
  • Frequency: Quarterly, annually
  • Duration: ~2 hours

Learn More: Open-Ended/Blank Board Meeting Template


Project Management Meeting Agenda Templates

Here are 9 meeting agenda templates you can use for project management.

If you’d like to use these agendas – and 41 more – download our remote meeting agenda library for $47. Download it once for your entire team, and never create a meeting agenda again.

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Project Management Meeting Agenda Template

Project management meeting agenda

Access the free agenda in Docs | Download all 50 for $47

  • Description: A meeting agenda focused on task updates, planning, and next steps for project management.
  • Other names: Project Status Meeting, Project Update Meeting
  • Attendees: Everyone working on the project
  • Frequency: Weekly/Monthly
  • Duration: 30 minutes

Learn More: Project Management Meeting Agenda


Sprint Planning Meeting Agenda

Sprint planning meeting agenda template

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  • Description: To outline the work to be performed during the sprint (a set period of time like one, two, or four weeks), the goal of the sprint, and the capacity of the team during the sprint.
  • Other names: Sprint Meeting, Iteration Planning Meeting
  • Attendees: All project team members, Scrum Master, Product Owner
  • Frequency: At the start of each sprint (1, 2, or 4 weeks typically)
  • Duration: 1 hour

Learn More: Sprint Planning Meeting Agenda For Agile Teams


Agile Project Kick-Off Meeting Agenda

agile project kick-off meeting agenda

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  • Description: A meeting agenda to start a new agile project or development cycle.
  • Other names: Agile Initiation Meeting, Project Start-Up Meeting
  • Attendees: Everyone who will be working on the project (or managers all of all teams working on the project)
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: ~1 hour

Learn More: Agile Project Kick-off Meeting Agenda


Standup (Scrums) Meeting Agenda

Daily standup (Scrum) meeting agenda template

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  • Description: To create a plan for the next 24 hours in a development team or a team working on a project together.
  • Other names: Standup, Daily Scrum, Morning Standup
  • Attendees: All team members working on the project, Scrum Master
  • Frequency: Daily
  • Duration: 15 minutes

Learn More: Free Daily Standup/Scrum Meeting Agenda


Sprint Review Meeting Template

Sprint review meeting agenda template

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  • Description: To inspect the outcome of the sprint (a product demo) and discuss what went well and what could’ve been done better.
  • Other names: Agile Review Meeting
  • Attendees: All project team members, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Clients (if necessary)
  • Frequency: At the end of each sprint (1, 2, or 4 weeks typically)
  • Duration: 30 minutes

Learn More: Sprint Review Meeting Agenda [Template]


Sprint Retrospective Meeting Agenda

Sprint retrospective meeting agenda template

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  • Description: To reflect on the past sprint (people, relationships, processes, and tools) so that you can improve for the next sprint.
  • Attendees: All project team members, Scrum Master, Product Owner (optional)
  • Frequency: At the end of each sprint (1, 2, or 4 weeks typically)
  • Duration: 1 hour

Learn More: Sprint Retrospective Template


Backlog Refinement Meeting Agenda

Backlog refinement meeting agenda template

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  • Description: To review items in the backlog to make sure the team is working on the right items toward the larger goal.
  • Other names: Backlog Grooming, Backlog Planning Meeting
  • Attendees: All team members (or just a few like the Scrum Master and Product Owner)
  • Frequency: Every other sprint (2, 4, or 6 weeks typically), or Adhoc
  • Duration: 45 minutes

Learn More: Backlog Refinement Meeting Agenda


Internal Project Kick-Off Meeting Agenda

internal project kick-off meeting agenda

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  • Purpose: To get the key people on the same page at the start of a new internal project.
  • Other names: Internal Initiation Meeting, Project Setup Meeting
  • Attendees: Everyone who will be working on the project (or managers all of all teams working on the project)
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: 1 hour

Learn More: Internal Project Kick-off Agenda


Client Kick-Off Meeting Agenda

Project kickoff meeting agenda template

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  • Description: To officially start a new project with an external client.
  • Other names: Client Start-Up Meeting, Project Introduction Meeting
  • Attendees: Company point person (or people), client point person (or people)
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: 1 hour

Learn More: Client Kick-off Meeting Agenda


Meeting Agenda Examples By Department

Here are 8 meeting agendas for specific departments (sales, marketing, operations, etc.).

If you’d like to use these agendas – and 42 more – download our remote meeting agenda library for $47.

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Weekly Sales Team Meeting Agenda

sales team meeting agenda

Access the free agenda in Docs | Download all 50 for $47

  • Description: A weekly sales team agenda covering metrics, pipeline, and discussion/learning.
  • Other names: Sales Sync, Sales Status Meeting
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Attendees: Sales staff and sales manager
  • Duration: 30 minutes

Learn More: Sales Meeting Agenda Template


Quarterly Sales Performance Meeting

quarterly sales meeting agenda

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  • Description: To review the team’s sales performance over the past quarter.
  • Other names: Sales Review Meeting, Sales Evaluation Meeting
  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • Attendees: Sales staff and sales manager
  • Duration: 60 minutes

Learn More: Quarterly Sales Performance Meeting Agenda


Exploratory Sales Call Agenda

exploratory sales call agenda

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  • Description: An exploratory sales call agenda gathering essential criteria and asking key questions.
  • Other names: Discovery Sales Call, Initial Sales Meeting
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: 30-60 minutes

Learn More: Exploratory Sales Call Agenda


Demo Sales Call Agenda

demo sales call agenda

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  • Description: To demonstrate a product’s capabilities and value proposition to the prospect.
  • Other names: Sales Pitch
  • Frequency: Ad hoc
  • Duration: 30 minutes

Learn More: Demo Sales Call Agenda Example


Marketing Team Meeting Agenda

marketing meeting agenda

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  • Description: To get everyone on the same page about the metrics/results, the initiatives planned to drive the results, and to discuss new ideas to pursue or roadblocks to clear.
  • Other names: Marketing Sync, Marketing Review Meeting
  • Frequency: Weekly, Monthly
  • Attendees: Marketing team members, Marketing Manager/Director
  • Duration: 45 minutes

Learn More: Marketing Meeting Agenda


Marketing Agency/Client Meeting Agenda

agency/client meeting agenda

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  • Description: To update the client on the current campaign progress, gather feedback, and discuss the next steps.
  • Other names: Agency-Client Review, Partnership Meeting
  • Frequency: Monthly
  • Attendees: Client point person, Agency point person
  • Duration: 45 minutes

Learn More: Client Meeting Agenda Example


Campaign Performance Meeting Agenda

campaign performance meeting agenda

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  • Description: To analyze detailed performance metrics of specific marketing campaigns, discuss effectiveness, and adjust the plan (if needed).
  • Other names: Marketing Performance Review, Campaign Reporting Meeting
  • Frequency: Weekly, Monthly
  • Attendees: Campaign Manager, people working on the campaign
  • Duration: 30 minutes

Learn More: Marketing Campaign Performance Meeting Agenda


Operations Team Meeting Agenda

operations meeting agenda

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  • Description: A weekly or monthly meeting for the operations department (or the heads of each department) to review metrics and discuss projects regarding the function of the business.
  • Other names: Operations Sync, Status Update Meeting
  • Attendees: Head Of Operations/COO and operations team
  • Frequency: Weekly, Monthly
  • Duration: 60 minutes

Learn More: Operations Team Meeting Agenda


Onboarding Meeting Agenda Templates

Here are 8 onboarding meeting agenda templates – 7 for remote employee onboarding and 1 for client onboarding.

If you’d like to use these agendas – and 42 more – download our remote meeting agenda library for $47. For less than one dollar per agenda, access every meeting template you need to run a well-oiled, distributed team.

See Also: 30 Meeting Topic Ideas

Download meeting agenda templates


Employee Onboarding Agenda #1: Welcome Meeting

Employee onboarding meeting agendas

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  • Description: A meeting agenda to welcome a new employee to a remote company and to prepare that person for his or her first week.
  • Other names: New Hire Meeting, New Hire Welcome Meeting
  • Attendees: New hire, Manager
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: 60 minutes

Learn More: Employee Onboarding Meeting #1: Welcome


Employee Onboarding Agenda #2: Role Overview Meeting

onboarding meeting agenda 2

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  • Description: The second onboarding meeting (to happen on day 1 or day 2). This agenda will go over the person’s role, metrics, and place in the company in depth.
  • Other names: New Hire Meeting, Role Overview Meeting
  • Attendees: New hire, Manager
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: 60-120 minutes

Learn More: Role Overview Onboarding Meeting


Employee Onboarding Agenda #3: Core Values Meeting

onboarding meeting agenda #3: core values

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  • Description: This is the third onboarding meeting for a new remote employee. This agenda gets into your working relationship together: management style, personality tests, core values of the company, and more.
  • Other names: New Hire Meeting, Core Values Meeting
  • Attendees: New hire, Manager
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: 60-90 minutes

Learn More: Role Overview Onboarding Meeting


Employee Onboarding Agenda #4: Software Training Meeting

onboarding meeting agenda 4

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  • Description: This is the fourth onboarding meeting for a new remote employee. This agenda is used to train employees on all of the software systems they’ll use at the company. You’ll see examples in the agenda already of the ones we use.
  • Other names: New Hire Meeting, Software Training Session
  • Attendees: New hire, Manager
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: 60-120 minutes

Learn More: Role Overview Onboarding Meeting


Employee Onboarding Agenda #5: 2-Week Review

onboarding meeting agenda 5

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  • Description: This is the first performance review meeting for new employees that happens at two weeks after the hire date. It is a simple agenda to check in on the employee on how things are going and what can be improved upon.
  • Other names: New Hire Performance Review
  • Attendees: New hire, Manager
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: 30 minutes

Learn More: Employee Onboarding Performance Review Agenda


Employee Onboarding Agenda #6: 4-Week Review

onboarding meeting agenda 6

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  • Description: This is the same as the two-week review, but it happens at four weeks after the hire date.
  • Other names: New Hire Performance Review
  • Attendees: New hire, Manager
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: 30 minutes

Learn More: Employee Onboarding Performance Review Agenda


Employee Onboarding Agenda #7: 6-Week Review

onboarding meeting agenda 7

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  • Description: This is the same as the two-week and four-week review, but it happens at six weeks after the hire date.
  • Other names: New Hire Performance Review
  • Attendees: New hire, Manager
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: 30 minutes

Learn More: Employee Onboarding Performance Review Agenda


Client Onboarding Meeting Agenda

Client onboarding meeting agenda

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  • Description: Here is a new client onboarding agenda to set up a service with a new customer. We used this exact agenda at a marketing agency, but it should be applicable to many service-based clients.
  • Other names: Customer Kickoff Meeting, Client Introduction Meeting
  • Attendees: Agency point person and team, client point person
  • Frequency: Adhoc
  • Duration: 60 minutes

Learn More: New Client Onboarding Meeting Agenda


How do I create a meeting agenda template in Word?

Microsoft Word meeting agenda templates

Here is how to use Microsoft Word’s agenda template gallery:

  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. In the top-right corner, type “meeting agenda” in the search bar.
  3. Double-click on a meeting agenda template that looks best.
  4. Edit the elements to make it your agenda.
  5. Click “Save.”


How do I create a meeting agenda template in Google Docs?

Google Docs meeting agenda templates

Here is how to use the agenda template gallery in Google Docs:

  1. Open Google Drive.
  2. Click the “+ New” button in the top-left corner.
  3. Next to “Google Docs” click on the arrow (>), then click on “From a template.”
  4. Pick a template called “Meeting Notes.”
  5. Edit the elements to make it your agenda.

See Also: 31 Meeting Goals

Download meeting agenda templates

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