Data Subscriptions

Here’s where you’ll find data subscriptions to help you stay up-to-date on evolving trends.

  • Subscribe monthly, but cancel any time
  • Receive a monthly email with a list of changes to the database and an updated spreadsheet
Subscribe: companies going remote permanently

$37.00 / month
$347.00 / year

Subscribe: Companies Going Remote Permanently

Access every major company (1,000+ employees) that have declared they will permanently go remote.

👉 Access all of the companies that went remote from 2020 – today

👉 Receive a monthly email with new companies going remote (and an updated spreadsheet)

👉 Learn why and how companies are going remote (policy, office space management, internal communication)

Ready to receive the most accurate remote policy data every month? Subscribe now, cancel anytime.

Annual Subscription: Fortune 500 return to office (RTO) database

$497.00 / year

Annual Subscription: Fortune 500 Return To Office Database

👉 Access every public RTO policy for the Fortune 500 + monthly updates to the data for one year.
👉 Receive a complementary one-hour meeting to discuss how to use the data to solve your specific RTO challenges.
👉 Benchmark your company’s strategy with accurate data:

  • Most recent RTO date
  • Previous RTO dates
  • Policies (remote-first, hybrid, office-first)
  • Weekly office visit expectations
  • Employee count
  • Source links (links to credible sources for each policy)
  • Summarized statistics (policies, office visit expectations, etc.)

Who is this subscription for?
You need ongoing, up-to-date data to make better RTO decisions over time.

(If you’d rather pay once and receive the static data right now, order that here.)

“We’re reviewing our RTO approach and need to get some insights into what others are doing. This resource is extremely helpful!”
– Jamie M. (Fortune 500 Executive)

Ready to receive the most accurate RTO data every month for one year?

We also provide free reports and insights through our blog.

Subscribe to receive our free research by email. Or, take a look at what’s on the blog now.