Unlimited PTO: The Complete Guide

  The table of contents below enumerates the topics covered in the guide to unlimited PTO; you can use the links in the table to skip to specific sections. Table Of Contents What Is Unlimited PTO & How Does Unlimited PTO Work? Unlimited PTO Policy Examples & Templates Unlimited PTO Pros & Cons: The Full Analysis Alternative PTO Programs 97 Companies With Unlimited PTO Unlimited…

What Is Unlimited PTO & How Does It Work?

In recent years, many companies have adopted unlimited PTO policies to compete for talent and appeal to prospective employees seeking a better work/life balance. But what exactly is unlimited PTO, and how does unlimited PTO really work? Unlimited PTO sounds great, but there are some major drawbacks—significant enough that at the remote company I managed for six years, we ultimately rejected adoption of the unlimited…

Unlimited PTO Policy Examples & Templates

Many companies have adopted unlimited PTO (paid time off) policies in recent years and the trend is growing, as more organizations consider switching to an unlimited PTO policy to attract talent. But as I noted in the previous chapter, there are some drawbacks to unlimited PTO policies which are not obvious at first glance. One issue that I touched on is the need to carefully…

Unlimited PTO Pros & Cons: The Full Analysis

Amid all the chatter about unlimited PTO as the hot new trend in leave policy, something that often goes unmentioned are its drawbacks. While greater flexibility in the work schedule is undoubtedly a boon for employees, unlimited PTO has pros and cons. To its credit, as an idea alone, unlimited PTO has broken through the logjam of fossilized thinking about how work has to be—and…

217 Companies With Unlimited PTO & Remote Work

In our database of nearly 4,000 companies, we track up to 20 great benefits that each organization offers. There are just 217 of those companies with unlimited PTO and remote work (in some capacity).  Here’s the best place to look for remote jobs with unlimited PTO. Start your search below. See Also: What Is Unlimited PTO & How Does It Work? | Unlimited PTO Pros…

Unlimited PTO Statistics (2023)

Unlimited paid time off (PTO) is a vacation policy that has caused some debate: On one hand, employers trusting their employees enough to offer as much vacation time as they want seems great On the other, people have criticized that unlimited PTO limits the amount of time off people take and allows the employee to not pay out for unused vacation days No matter where…

Unlimited PTO Is A Trap: Do This Instead

Is unlimited PTO a good thing—or is it possible that unlimited PTO is a trap? In the post-pandemic battle for talent, many companies offer unlimited PTO (paid time off) as a benefit to attract the best employees. In theory, the policy is attractive because it gives employees flexibility to take off the time they need without worrying about their paycheck. But is that how it…