Citi Ends Its DEI Team, No Longer ‘Committed Every Day’


Citigroup cuts DEI program

Jane Fraser, CEO of Citigroup, sent a memo to employees on Thursday titled “Colleague Engagement Update.” 

The memo included three actions the bank will take to end its DEI team, policies, and programs. The bank also took down multiple DEI-related web pages, one of which stated, “a renewed commitment every day” to DEI.

Here’s what you need to know.

Citi’s DEI Program Overview

  • Department Status: Canceled
  • Department Trend: No Policy
  • Recent DEI Report: 2022 (The PDF report has been taken down, but we reposted it to Buildremote)
  • Policy Title: No Longer Active
    • Formerly: “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Citi”
  • Webpage: No Longer Active
  • Department Head: Erika Irish Brown (Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer)

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Citi DEI program 2025


What DEI changes were mentioned in the memo?

  • The bank is removing hiring targets by race and gender (“aspirational” representation goals).
  • The bank will no longer require quotas for interviewers and interviewees by race and gender  (“diverse slates of candidates” and “diverse panels of interviewers”).
  • Ending its DEI team (renaming it to “Talent Management and Engagement”).

Citigroup DEI update


What other actions has Citi taken?

The bank made a few other updates that were not mentioned in the memo, but we dug up through some simple research.

The now-defunct web pages highlighted a quote from CEO Jane Fraser:

Jane Fraser DEI


The website still has hiring targets by race, gender, and country from September of 2022. 

These will likely be removed soon, though.

citigroup dei hiring goals



  1. Citi ended its DEI hiring goals
  2. Citi ended its DEI interview process goals
  3. Citi ended/renamed its DEI team
  4. Deleted multiple DEI web pages
  5. Deleted its most recent DEI report from 2022


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