15 Countries With 4-Day Work Week Policies


4-day work week countries

This post was originally written on January 3, 2022. Every time a notable four-day work week country announcement comes out, we update the post. Most recently, this post was updated on October 5, 2024.

Here are all of the countries with four-day weeks in some form. They’ve either 1) implemented a four-day work week law, 2) proposed a new bill, or 3) are trialing it in some way. You’ll see I included city, state, and county governments as well to give a full picture of the movement from the public sector. I’ll update the list every time a notable announcement comes out. 


13 Countries With Four-Day Work Week Programs

South Korea

South Korea flagFour-day policy: Trial, Optional

Start date: September 10, 2024

Source: “Workers from over 50 organizations will have the option to have a four-day workweek. They can choose from a four-day week every fortnight or shortened hours each week.”


Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic flagFour-day policy: Trial, 36 Hours

Start date: February 1, 2024

Source: “Employees will earn same salary but hours will be reduced from 44 to 36 hours as part of national voluntary trial, says government.”



Dominican Republic flagFour-day policy: Trial, Recommendation

Trial #2 recommendation date: September 13, 2023

Source: “Congratulations to the ACT for recommending a four-day week trial of the public service! This trial is for reduced hours, with no loss in pay! We are so excited to see Canberra move towards a four-day week.”

Trial #1 start date: August 1, 2022

Source: “In Australia’s six-month pilot, to begin in August, employees at 20 companies work one less day a week with no cut to their pay.”

Learn more about the average work week in Australia.



BrazilFour-day policy: Trial, 32 Hours

Start date: September 5, 2023

Source: “Starting tomorrow, September 5, twenty Brazilian companies with more than 400 employees will participate in an experiment to test a four-day workweek in practice.”



ScotlandFour-day policy: Trial, 32 Hours

Start date: September 5, 2023

Source: In the coming year, under public service reform, Yousaf’s PFG states: “Commence the Four Day Working Week public sector pilot by the end of this calendar year, to assess the wellbeing, environmental, and productivity benefits the Four Day Working Week could bring.”



PortugalFour-day policy: Trial, 32 Hours

Start date: June 1, 2023

Source: “For the next six months, 39 private-sector businesses in the country will participate in a ‘government-funded’ pilot program in partnership with 4 Day Week Global.


South Africa

South AfricaFour-day policy: Trial, Non-Government

Start date: February 1, 2023

Source: “4 Day Week South Africa director Karen Lowe said a four-day work week pilot will start in South Africa in February 2023. She added that 20 companies have signed up for the trial, and the pilot will run for six months.”



Four-day policy: Permanent (For Parents Only), 32 Hours

Start date: April 21, 2022

Source: “Lithuania is the latest country to try out a four-day workweek, thanks to a policy passed by lawmakers yesterday (April 21). Under the new policy, which will take effect next year, public-sector employees with children under the age of three will be allowed to work 32 hours a week without any reduction in their pay. A standard workweek in Lithuania is 40 hours.”

Learn more about Lithuania’s 4-day work week.



BelgiumFour-day policy: Permanent, 38 Hours

Start date: February 15, 2022

Source: “Workers in Belgium will soon be able to choose a four-day week under a series of labour market reforms announced on Tuesday. The reform package agreed by the country’s multi-party coalition government will also give workers the right to turn off work devices and ignore work-related messages after hours without fear of reprisal.”

Learn more about Belgium’s 4-day work week.


United Kingdom

United KingdomFour-day policy: Trial, Non-Government Bill

Start date: January 18, 2021


Non-government pilot: “The U.K. pilot of a four-day work week will begin in June with about 30 companies that have so far signed up for the trial. The six-month long program will see firms allowing staff to work 32 hours per week while leaving their compensation and benefits unchanged.”

Bill: September 25, 2022 – “A four-day work week bill was proposed in the United Kingdom. The bill will be discussed in the House of Commons on October 18, 2022.”

Source: October 8, 2023 – “The 4-day week is gaining momentum through policy changes such as this motion passed at The Green Party conference.”

Learn more about the four-day work week in the UK.


United Arab Emirates

United Arab EmiratesFour-day policy: Permanent, 36 Hours (4.5 Day Week)

Start date: December 7, 2021

Source: “The United Arab Emirates is moving federal employees to a four-and-a-half day work week to “boost productivity and improve work-life balance,” the government announced Tuesday.



IrelandFour-day policy: Trial, Non-Government

Start date: Oct 31, 2021

Source: “So far, 20 companies have signed up to the six-month pilot, which will involve them trialing a reduction of working hours from February 2022.”



SpainFour-day policy: Trial, 32 Hours

Start date: Proposed: September 1, 2021

Source: “When the progressive party Más País launched in 2019, it included the 4-day work week as part of its platform, and went on to propose the trial that won the Spanish government’s approval in January. Although the specifics remain undecided, the pilot, which is expected to launch in September and last three years, will use 50 million euros in European Union funding to compensate an estimated 200 companies for reducing their employees’ work week to 32 hours—without cutting their salaries.”

Source: October 8, 2023 – “Four-day work weeks improved Spanish workers’ health such as by lowering stress while reducing fuel emissions and benefiting children, a pilot programme shows.”

Learn more about Spain’s 4-day work week pilot.



JapanFour-day policy: Recommendation

Start date: June 24, 2021

Source: “The country’s annual economic policy guidelines, released this month, unveiled plans to push employers to adopt four-day workweeks, marking official acceptance of a once-fringe approach.”

Learn more about Japan’s 4-day week recommendation.



IcelandFour-day policy: Trial, 36 Hours

Start date: 2014 – 2021

Source: “The trials were conducted between 2015 and 2019, initiated by the Reykjavik City Council and the Icelandic national government. The trials ultimately involved 2,500 workers, more than 1 percent of the nation’s working population, who moved from working 40 hours a week to a 35- or 36-hour week, without a reduction in pay.”

Learn more about Iceland’s 4-day work week story.

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Four-Day Work Week Bills


Bill Date



March 14, 2024

32 Hours

NBC News:

"Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., held a hearing Thursday on a bill he introduced to reduce the standard U.S. workweek to four days without loss of pay.

The bill, titled the 'Thirty-Two Hour Work Week Act,' would reduce the standard workweek from 40 to 32 hours over the span of four years."

Jan 18, 2023



WMAR 2 News:

"It's called House Bill 0181, the Four–Day Workweek Pilot Program and Income Tax Credit.

The bill proposes to give the Maryland Department of Labor the ability to promote, offer incentives, and support the experimentation and study of a 4-day workweek by both private and public employers."

2014 - 2021

Trial, Ended
36 Hours

Washington Post

"The trials were conducted between 2015 and 2019, initiated by the Reykjavik City Council and the Icelandic national government. The trials ultimately involved 2,500 workers, more than 1 percent of the nation’s working population, who moved from working 40 hours a week to a 35- or 36-hour week, without a reduction in pay."


Dec 20, 2021


48 Hours

"If the new labour codes are implemented, there's a likelihood that employees in India may be able to enjoy a four-day workweek from next year, as opposed to the current five-day workweek. In that case, however, employees will have to work for 12 hours on those four days since the labour ministry has made it clear that even if the proposal comes through, the 48-hour weekly work requirement has to be met."


December 6, 2021


Legislative Assembly of Ontario:

"The Bill enacts the Four-Day Work Week Act, 2021. The Act establishes the Four-Day Work Week Commission, which will develop recommendations on how to implement a pilot project designed to determine the effectiveness of a four-day work week in Ontario."

Dec 7, 2021


32 Hours

Business Insider:

"Progressives in Congress are lining up behind a bill that would shrink a regular week of work from 40 hours to 32. The Congressional Progressive Caucus just endorsed the aptly named "32-Hour Workweek Act," according to a statement from Rep. Mark Takano, the Democrat representing California's 41st district.

See Also: California's 4-Day Work Week Bill

United Arab Emirates

December 7, 2021


36 Hours

The United Arab Emirates is moving federal employees to a four-and-a-half day work week to "boost productivity and improve work-life balance," the government announced Tuesday.

February 15, 2022


38 Hours


"Workers in Belgium will soon be able to choose a four-day week under a series of labour market reforms announced on Tuesday. The reform package agreed by the country's multi-party coalition government will also give workers the right to turn off work devices and ignore work-related messages after hours without fear of reprisal."

February 17, 2022


32 hours

"Spain has announced that it will experiment with a trial four-day workweek, according to the Guardian. The Spanish government agreed to a 32-hour workweek over three years, without cutting workers’ compensation."


February 25, 2022


32 hours

Businesses would be given incentives to participate in a national four-day week trial, under a PN government. The proposal, announced in the party's election manifesto on Thursday night, is part of a new 'social pact' that also includes the introduction of a living wage. The PN's manifesto gave no detail about how the scheme would work or what incentives would be offered.

June 24, 2021


32 Hours

Washington Post:

"The country’s annual economic policy guidelines, released this month, unveiled plans to push Japanese employers to adopt four-day workweeks, marking official acceptance of a once-fringe approach..."

September 3, 2021


32 Hours


"Scotland plans to launch a trial four-day workweek. The decision was the culmination of a campaign promise made by the ruling Scottish National Party. Workers will have their hours reduced by 20%, but won’t suffer any loss in compensation. The program will be funded by the SNP with a £10 million fund ($13.8 million U.S.)."

April 21, 2022

32 Hours


"Lawmakers in Vilnius backed legislation that allows public-sector employees with children under the age of three to work 32 hours per week. The reduced work week, which doesn’t apply to private-sector employees, will come into force next year."

September 25, 2022

32 Hours


Peter Dowd, Labour MP for Bootle in Merseyside, is campaigning for maximum hours to be cut back from 48 to 32.

The UK bill is due to be discussed in the House of Commons on 18 October."

How We Define The Status Of Each Bill

  • Proposed: This is a suggested law, a bill, currently in the state or country’s legislative process. It hasn’t yet been passed into law or denied.
  • Passed: This was a former bill that has been voted on affirmatively, but hasn’t yet been turned into a law.
  • Law: This was a former bill that has passed and is now a binding rule in the country.
  • Trial: This is a government-sanctioned test of a four-day (or 32-hour) work week, but not a bill.

See Also:


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