Does Finland Have A 4-Day Work Week? (Status: Soon?)

Does Finland have a 4-day work week? No. Finland does not have a four-day work week. The Prime Minister of Finland informally stated that she is in favor of the four-day work and sees it as the future, but nothing has officially been proposed to change Finland’s work week. Why are people talking about a 4-day work week in Finland? Sanna Marin, the Prime Minister…

Every 4-Day Work Week Study (& Key Stats From Each)

<< 4-Day Work Week: Complete Overview 4-Day Work Week Studies: The Overview Here are all of the studies that analyze productivity, benefits, profitability, employee happiness, and more for companies and countries that have implemented a four-day work week.     Active Studies (Awaiting Results) Here are some active four-day studies that have yet to publish results.     Study Details & Statistics In this section,…

How We Implemented The 4-Day Work Week, Step By Step

<< 4-Day Work Week: Complete Overview Next chapter: Benefits >> Lance (the guy in glasses) and I (beard) run Nectafy together. In January 2020, we switched our fully remote company to a four-day work week. We started discussing it in the fall of 2019 and it took three months to finally decide to implement it. It wasn’t actually that hard to implement. It’s just a…


Best Home Office Desks: The Sortable List (2022)

I’m on my fourth desk in eight years of working from home. I went cheap when I was younger and the desk didn’t hold up. I went foldable when my wife and I lived in a small apartment, but the folding part broke. Finally, I invested in a FlexiSpot Q8 standing desk. It’s pricey, but awesome (and worth it). Four rounds of home office desk…

22 Four-Day Work Week Benefits I’ve Experienced

  In January 2020, a fully remote company I run, Nectafy, implemented to a four-day work week. Therefore, I’ve run a company that operates on a four-day work week and personally worked the schedule myself as an employee. I’ve enjoyed the benefits of a four-day work week as an individual in my daily life and as an operator of a business running on the alternative…