Permanent Work From Home Request [Email Template]

permanent work from home request email

If you want to request to work from home permanently, the best way to do it is in person. Meet face-to-face with your manager and present the case.

Below, you’ll find an email template to request a meeting to discuss permanent remote work.  Copy and paste the email subject and body you see below. Then, customize the template to fit your situation. 


Permanent request to work from home (present your proposal in person)

Subject: Request for In-Person Meeting

Hi [Boss’s first name],

I hope this email finds you well. 

Over the past [duration you’ve been working remotely, e.g., several months], I’ve had the opportunity to thrive in a remote work environment. 

Given the positive impact on my productivity and the potential benefits for our team, I am keen to discuss transitioning to permanent remote work.

Could we schedule a meeting to discuss this further? Here are some days and times to pick from:

  • [Day]: [Time slot]
  • [Day]: [Time slot]

If none of those work, let me know what works for you and I’ll make it happen.

This discussion will allow us to explore the advantages, potential concerns, and the framework necessary to make permanent remote work a success.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this in more detail.

Best regards,

[Your name]


Email Requests To Work From Home

This email template is part of our series on ways to request work from home. If you’d like to see some other options (and edit them in Google Docs or Microsoft Word), you can download all 18 templates for free.

Work from home email request


Explore More Email Templates

Need help with other work-related emails? Check out these additional templates for various scenarios. Whether you’re reaching out to a job recruiter, confirming an interview, or following up after an interview, we’ve got you covered:

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