The 20 Best Employee Benefits (Per 3 Studies)

We’ve determined the 20 best employee benefits to offer in 2023 based on primary and secondary research. These are the most desirable, in-demand benefits for workers based on studies from HBR and SHRM combined with our own research of 3,920 companies (and the benefits they offer).  Learn more about the studies that have uncovered the best benefits for employees, then see the list of the…

Unlimited PTO: The Complete Guide

  The table of contents below enumerates the topics covered in the guide to unlimited PTO; you can use the links in the table to skip to specific sections. Table Of Contents What Is Unlimited PTO & How Does Unlimited PTO Work? Unlimited PTO Policy Examples & Templates Unlimited PTO Pros & Cons: The Full Analysis Alternative PTO Programs 97 Companies With Unlimited PTO Unlimited…

What Is Unlimited PTO & How Does It Work?

In recent years, many companies have adopted unlimited PTO policies to compete for talent and appeal to prospective employees seeking a better work/life balance. But what exactly is unlimited PTO, and how does unlimited PTO really work? Unlimited PTO sounds great, but there are some major drawbacks—significant enough that at the remote company I managed for six years, we ultimately rejected adoption of the unlimited…

Unlimited PTO Policy Examples & Templates

Many companies have adopted unlimited PTO (paid time off) policies in recent years and the trend is growing, as more organizations consider switching to an unlimited PTO policy to attract talent. But as I noted in the previous chapter, there are some drawbacks to unlimited PTO policies which are not obvious at first glance. One issue that I touched on is the need to carefully…

Unlimited PTO Pros & Cons: The Full Analysis

Amid all the chatter about unlimited PTO as the hot new trend in leave policy, something that often goes unmentioned are its drawbacks. While greater flexibility in the work schedule is undoubtedly a boon for employees, unlimited PTO has pros and cons. To its credit, as an idea alone, unlimited PTO has broken through the logjam of fossilized thinking about how work has to be—and…

79 Companies That Pay For College

This report on companies that pay for college tuition was originally done in April of 2022. We did another round of research in April of 2023, then another in August of 2023. Benefits programs are mutually helpful for the employee and employer. The company foots the bill for a program that makes for healthier, happier, or more educated employees, which makes for a more productive…


Goldman Sachs Releases 7th Return To Office Mandate

Goldman Sachs returned to the office on February 1, 2022 with the expectation for all employees to show up full time (five days per week). However, on the RTO day only 5,000 of the 10,000 (50%) employees that work at New York City headquarters showed up. Goldman Sachs CEO, David Solomon, has a negative stance toward hybrid and remote work stating multiple times that remote…

Meta (Facebook)’s Return To Office Policy & Timeline: Aug 2023

Meta, parent company of Facebook, returned to the office on March 28, 2022 with the expectation for workers to show up to the office 50% of the time. That must not have worked, though. In June of 2023, Meta set a new return to office date of September 5, 2023 with the expectation to visit the office three days per week. In August of 2023,…

20 Best Overnight Remote Jobs Ranked By Income

Just a heads up: some of the links in this article are affiliate links that may provide Buildremote with a small commission at no cost to you. Below, you’ll find 20 great overnight remote jobs. This is the criteria we used to determine if a role could be done as an overnight work-from-home job: 1) you are able to work with people in other countries…