Raytheon (RTX) Mandates An October Return To Office


RTX (Raytheon) message boards have become popular over the last month about changing return-to-office plans.

Based on the discussions, Raytheon management likely sent out a memo to most employees (definitely not all) requiring a return to the office in October of 2024.

Although the rumors haven’t been confirmed by anyone at RTX yet, here’s what I know so far.

RTX’s New Return To Office Policy

Here’s the policy change that likely occurred:

  • Send date: Internal email likely issued July 11-15, 2024
  • New policy: 
    • Visit expectations: Five days per week (for certain groups, not all)
    • Location: For employees within 50 miles of an office
  • Other clauses:
  • Start date: October 7, 2024


July 11, 2024: Searches for “Raytheon return to office” spike

I track the Fortune 100’s return to office policies here. As a result, that page on my website shows up for a lot of “return to office” search terms in Google. 

Starting on July 11 and spiking on July 16, I noticed that Google searches for “Raytheon return to office” and “RTX return to office” went up significantly. They are usually at 0. 

Raytheon Return to Office

This indicates that something happened like an internal change in policy. 


July 21: Two RTO threads appear on Reddit

Reddit threads like this one and this one started to pop up just after the spike in Google searches.

Here are some notable comments.

Return to office planned for October 7, 2024

RTX RTO in October

2nd & 3rd reports: October 7 for employees within 50 miles of the office

Raytheon RTO Policy

RTX (Raytheon) Return To Office

Potential: Home office equipment may need to be returned

RTX home office equipment policy

My Conclusion

  1. July or July 2024: 
    1. Phil Jasper, President, likely said in an all-hands meeting that an RTO plan would be coming.
  2. July 11-16 2024:
    1. Memos are likely sent internally to some Raytheon employees (not all) about a new five-day RTO plan for October.
    2. Google searches for “Raytheon return to office” start and continue until the writing of this article (August 15).
    3. Employees start anonymously posting on forums about the policy.

Conclusion: This matches with the pattern for other internal policy changes that don’t get released to the public (like CVS, Ford, and John Deere). 

Do you have information about RTX’s RTO policy? Contact me with details. I will update the story if you have information about this story.

Fortune 100 RTO policy database

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