36 Challenges Of Working Remotely

While the conversation about remote work continues, there’s no question that employees (and employers) continue to see its benefits. True, some companies are issuing back-to-office orders, but others are making a permanent shift to remote work. But remote work is not without its difficulties. Addressing these issues is what will help drive the next flurry of moves to remote-first, so I asked our contributor list to share some of their…

10 Best Laptops To Work From Home [Don’t Buy This 1!]

You work from home, but who doesn’t these days. That doesn’t narrow down your needs much when searching for the best laptop for working from home. You need a laptop that fits your exact needs (which are different than other WFHers’ needs) and you want well researched, experienced reviews. That’s what you’ll find in this article where we’ve picked the 10 best work-from-home laptops by…

Home Office Storage: The Tidy Buyer’s Guide

  My wife and I have worked from home… together… in the same office… for over five years. In that time, we’ve filled our house with babies (and kids’ stuff) and home office equipment (of which I have a lot). Filled to the gills with two kids and two businesses, we get the importance of nailing our home office storage ideas. But when I’d go…

Working Days Per Month: 2025 Calendar

It’s time to plan out your 2025 business calendar. You need some solid information about the 2025 work calendar: How many working days are there in each month of 2025? How many work hours? When do the federal holidays occur in 2025? In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know about the 2025 work calendar. If you’re in a hurry, here are the…

122 Influential Work-Life Balance Quotes

122 quotes about work-life balance may be excessive, I’ll admit. But trust me when I say this: the list started with over 400 quotes! We whittled it down to by about 75% to bring you the best, most diverse, most influential work-life balance quotes we could find. Still, we don’t expect you to read every single quote. Peruse the library below to find some inspiration…

Providing Equipment For Remote Workers: 4 Options

At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies scrambled to meet the needs of employees abruptly transitioning to remote work environments. While companies and workers have now had several years to adjust to remote work, the initial assumption that most workers would return to the office after the pandemic has been revised. Remote and hybrid work arrangements are part of the new normal, and many businesses are now grappling…

27 Best Work-Life Balance Jobs (By Degree)

I asked my list of Buildremote contributors to define work-life balance. I took 186 responses, counted up all of the common words used, and came up with this crowdsourced definition: parity between the time you have for personal and professional use. That is a good starting point for searching for jobs with the best work-life balance, but really, you should define it for yourself… and then…

5 Video Conference Backgrounds Reviewed (Avoid These 2!)

You used to jump on video meeting in a hoodie and put it up with the Dallas Cowboys poster over your colleague’s shoulder. But it turns out this work-from-home thing is going to stick and a bad webcam background is the new version of showing up to the office in gym shorts. You’re done showing your guest bed in your home office background or a…

15 Companies That Own Everything You Buy (2024)

A small group of major companies own everything we buy in the world. Well, just about everything. When you go to the grocery store, you may see 20,000 different products. What amazing variety! But flip the labels around and the story looks much different. In this article, we flip the labels to show how most markets are much more consolidated than you might think.  …