Filter 122 No-Prep, Virtual Icebreakers By Type

Virtual Meeting Ice Breakers
Image Credit: Keystone/Getty Images

I did nearly six years of ice breakers for virtual meetings with my team. Here’s the backstory (and the complete list of the virtual icebreakers we did).

I worked at a fully remote marketing agency for eight years. We had a small group of people scattered all over the country, but we made it a point to all meet on Zoom once per week. At first, we did business things – reporting, sales updates, standup-y type of stuff. Then we realized the real value everyone got out of this weekly meeting was just chatting about non-work stuff.

We dropped the business stuff altogether and just chatted. This deliberate non-work meeting (one of my 49 ideas to build a remote team culture) really helped us bond.

See Also: 99 Five-Minute Team Building Activities

To facilitate the discussion and make it fun, we did icebreakers in our virtual meetings for 5.86 years (I exported our 40-page running meeting agenda and found the exact date we started and ended our virtual icebreaker routine). The list you’ll see below is every ice breaker we did at our company for six years worth of weekly Zoom meetings. Every ice breaker on this list…

  • Can be done virtually
  • Requires basically no prep at all for the organizer (You wont find the in-depth murder mystery dinners here, sorry)
  • Is quick, and fun or engaging

If you’re looking for quick and easy icebreaker discussions for your remote team, filter the categories below. 


Icebreakers For Virtual Meetings: The Filterable List

Below, you’ll find the entire list of Zoom icebreakers. If you chose to use the filter buttons above, we’ll show just the ones in the categories you picked.

Are you a morning or a night person?  

Get people to open up about their routines and preferences.  

Category: Personal


At the end of the day, would you rather watch a movie, visit a relative, play a game, or read?  

Change the options however you’d like. These are four simple ones that allow people to share what they like to do outside of work.  

Category: Would You Rather


Come up with two truths and a lie about yourself.

👍  Henry’s Favorite 

I remember this being really fun. It requires a few minutes of prep for participants, but no prep for the organizer.  

Category: Personal


What is one of your favorite meals to make or eat?  

People love to talk about food.  

Category: Food


Describe your dream vacation.  

We all work remotely, come on people. Your team probably loves to travel.  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel)


Describe your worst haircut experience.  

These more specific icebreakers usually turn out really funny. At least a few people will have a good story.  

Category: Looking Back


Do you collect anything?  

People like to talk about their hobbies. You’ll probably learn some things you didn’t expect.

Category: Hobbies


Do you think you’re an introvert or an extrovert, and why?  

This gets a bit deeper than surface level. It also helps people better understand each others’ communication preferences.  

Category: Personal


Do you think you’re an optimist or a pessimist, and why?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

You’ll likely hear some interesting predictions for the future from your team.  

Category: Personal


Find (or make!) and photograph some shadows.  

This one requires some prep from the coordinator. Have everyone take one picture of a shadow, submit the picture, then everyone guesses which photo belongs to whom. You’ll surface the artistic sides of your team members.  

Category: Photos & Videos


Give a video tour of your home office.

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

We usually all see one background from our coworkers. Have some volunteers (or one per meeting) give a tour of where they work or the whole house. Everyone can save their videos and upload them to a folder for the meeting facilitator to share.

(See Also: 12 Zoom Backgrounds From “The Office”)

Category: Photos & Videos


Handwriting challenge! Submit a photo of your handwriting.  

As a remote team, all we do is type and talk. Can you guess what everyone’s handwriting looks like?  

Category: Photos & Videos


Has someone ever thrown you a surprise party?  

This might surface some a few funny stories.  

Category: Personal


Have you ever driven anything other than a car or light truck?  

These specific icebreakers bring out some interesting, usually funny stories.  

Category: Personal


Have you ever had a close encounter with a wild animal?  

Category: Looking Back


Have you ever met anyone famous?  

Everyone has met someone somewhat famous. A few good stories might rise to the top.  

Category: Pop Culture


How are you celebrating [holiday] this year?  

We did this before each major holidays most years. It’s a nice discussion about how people celebrate with family and friends, where they travel to, etc.  

Category: Holidays


How did you meet your best friend?  

Category: Family & Friends


How did your parents come up with your name?  

My parents named me after a bull in Ireland. Maybe you’ll hear some funny stories, too.  

Category: Family & Friends


How many siblings do you have and where do you fall in the order?  

Category: Family & Friends


If aliens landed on Earth tomorrow and offered to take you home with them, would you go?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

This is similar to “Would you go to space?” It makes for an interesting discussion about risk-taking.  

Category: Would You Rather


If you can give one sentence advice about how to live life, what would it be?  

Category: Advice


If you can instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

Category: Hobbies


If you could be an Olympic athlete, what sport would you compete in?  

Category: Pop Culture


If you could be immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

Category: Looking Forward, Travel (& Time Travel)


If you could choose one hobby that now seems out of your reach either financially or time-wise, what hobby would you take up and why?  

Category: Hobbies


If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be?  

Category: Advice, Personal


If you could have any kind of pet, what would you have?  

Category: Hobbies


If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?  

Category: Looking Forward


If you could have your wisdom teeth out 500 years ago once or in 500 years every 3 weeks, which would you choose?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

This makes for an interesting historical discussion comparing standard of living across time.  

Category: Would You Rather


If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?  

Category: Hobbies


If you could live in any sitcom, which one would it be?  

Category: Pop Culture


If you could relive any period of your life, when would you choose?  

Category: Looking Back, Personal


If you could speak one other language fluently, what would it be and why?  

Category: Hobbies


If you could visit any city, where would you go?  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel)


If you had one hour to talk with any us president, who would you choose to talk with and why?  

Category: Pop Culture


If you had to choose a cereal for breakfast, what would you choose?  

Category: Food


If you had to choose to live without one of your five senses, which one would you give up?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

This turned out to be a really interesting discussion for our team.  

Category: Would You Rather


If you were stranded on a desert island and could choose only one type of food to bring with you, what would it be?  

You’ll see people get into personal preferences, ideas on nutrition, and more.  

Category: Food


If you weren’t in this profession, what would be your dream profession and why?  

Category: Jobs & Careers


Share a photo of something fun you’ve done recently.  

Category: Photos & Videos


Submit one photo of something in your house.

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

Category: Photos & Videos


Submit one photo of something in your neighborhood.

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

There will be little clues to show if someone lives in a warm climate, in a city, in the country, etc. See if you can figure out which picture belongs to whom.  

Category: Photos & Videos


Submit one photo of something in your yard.  

I had palm trees in my picture. Someone else had chickens. Other people had mountains in the backdrop or a city. See if you can figure out which picture belongs to whom.  

Category: Photos & Videos


Tell us about a book you’ve read recently.  

Category: Books


Ugly sweater (holiday outfit) contest  

This is simple. Just ask everyone to wear an ugly sweater to a virtual holiday party. Then, you can all vote for who has the best one and give out a prize. You can’t vote for yourself!  

Category: Holidays


What are some things on your bucket list?  

Category: Looking Forward, Personal


What are you looking forward to the most in the next year?  

Category: Looking Forward


What are your favorite hobbies?  

Category: Hobbies


What board games or card games do you like to play?  

Category: Hobbies


What did you have for breakfast this morning?  

Category: Food


What do you do when you have free time?  

Category: Hobbies, Personal


What do you like on your pizza?  

Category: Food


What do you look for in a friend?  

Category: Family & Friends


What failure have you learned the most from?   This can get real quickly, in a good way.  

Category: Looking Back, Personal


What is a book you’ve read recently and what influence has it had on you?  

Category: Advice, Books


What is a favorite costume you’ve worn for Halloween?  

Category: Holidays


What is a unique award you have won?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

This will unequivocally show some hidden talents.  

Category: Looking Back


What is a unique phrase in your area of the world?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

Your team is spread all over the place. This is a good way to learn about where people live, through accents, cultures, and language.  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel)


What is one goal you’d like to accomplish this year?  

Category: Looking Forward


What is one movie you’ve watched recently that you recommend?  

Category: Looking Back


What is one of the tallest buildings you’ve been to the top in?  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel)


What is one of your driving/traffic pet peeves?  

You can all get together to get mad about bad drivers. It’s a bonding moment.  

Category: Personal


What is one of your family’s [holiday] traditions?  

Category: Family & Friends, Holidays


What is one of your favorite drinks?  

Category: Food


What is one of your favorite things about someone in your family?  

Category: Family & Friends


What is one of your strangest nicknames?  

There is always a story in a nickname.  

Category: Family & Friends


What is one phrase or expression you often use?  

Category: Personal


What is one really kind thing someone has done for you recently?  

Category: Family & Friends


What is one thing we don’t know about you?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

This is one of the best questions to learn more about everyone on the team.  

Category: Personal


What is one thing you’d like to do before the summer season ends?  

Category: Looking Forward


What is one thing you’ve really enjoyed doing this summer?  

Category: Books


What is something interesting about where you live?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

For a remote team, all of these location type of questions are good. It’s a unique situation to have people all over the world connecting weekly for work. You’ll learn more about where people choose to live and why.  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel)


What is something unexpected that has changed about you in the last few years?  

Category: Looking Back, Personal


What is something you’ve been pleasantly surprised by recently?  

Category: Looking Back


What is the best gift anyone’s ever given to you?  

Category: Holidays


What is the best New Year’s Resolution you’ve ever made and actually kept? 

No one keeps their resolutions. If they actually have, it must mean a lot to them.  

Category: Holidays


What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?  

You can jam pack some knowledge transfer into this discussion.  

Category: Advice, Looking Back


What is the farthest place you have ever traveled to?  

All of the travel questions will be well received by a remote team.  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel)


What is the first book you remember reading?  

Category: Looking Back, Books


What is the longest book you’ve ever read?  

Category: Books


What is the scariest thing you’ve seen at a haunted house?  

Category: Holidays


What is the weirdest thing you have at your workspace?  

One of my coworkers had a snorkel. It had been there for months. It’s worth trying out this icebreaker.  

Category: Photos & Videos


What is your best scar story?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

If people are willing to share, you’ll hear a wide range of stories from childhood, to hobbies, surgeries, and more.  

Category: Looking Back, Personal


What is your dream car?  

Category: Pop Culture


What is your favorite board game to play?  

Category: Hobbies


What is your favorite ice cream?  

Category: Food


What is your favorite kind of foreign food?  

Category: Food


What is your favorite sandwich and why?  

Category: Food


What is your idea of a good, enjoyable breakfast?  

Category: Food


What kind of exercise do you do or do you prefer?  

This is a good way to talk about health and fitness without asking for people’s individual workout advice.  

Category: Advice, Personal


What kind(s) of books do you enjoy reading?  

Category: Books


What part of your daily routine do you enjoy most?  

Category: Advice, Personal


What stresses you out?  

This is a weird one and make cause more ice than it breaks at first. But I remember people opening up quite a bit.  

Category: Personal


What was one of your more embarrassing moments?  

Category: Looking Back, Personal


What was the best thing that happened to you last week?  

This sounds like a weird one, even to me. But it is specific enough that it’ll introduce topics and stories you haven’t covered yet.  

Category: Looking Back, Personal


What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?  

Category: Pop Culture


What was your all-time favorite/best Halloween costume?  

Category: Holidays


What was your favorite candy to get on Halloween?  

Category: Holidays


What was your favorite class in school?  

Category: Looking Back


What was your favorite job prior to [our company]? What made it your favorite?  

Category: Jobs & Careers


What was your first job?  

There will be some funny stories in here, even if this is someone’s first job.  

Category: Jobs & Careers


What was your least favorite food as a child?

Do you still hate it or do you love it now?  

Category: Food


When you are not at work, what is your idea of a good day?  

Learn about everyone’s family, friends, hobbies, etc.  

Category: Hobbies


Where was your last vacation?  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel)


Where would you like to live after you retire?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

For a remote team, all of these location type of questions are good. It’s a unique situation to have people all over the world connecting weekly for work. You’ll learn more about where people choose to live and travel, and why.  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel), Personal


Where/how did you meet your significant other?  

People are good at telling this story. You are bound to hear a few good ones.  

Category: Family & Friends


Who do you admire the most?  

Category: Advice, Personal


Who was your favorite teacher/professor in school? Why?  

Category: Looking Back


Would you go to space?  

Going into this one, I thought everyone would say yes quickly and we’d move on. It was split 50/50. See how your team feels.  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel), Would You Rather


Would you rather be a jack of all trades or master of one?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

Category: Would You Rather


Would you rather be able to run at 100 miles per hour or fly at 10 miles per hour?  

Category: Would You Rather


Would you rather be filthy rich and live 400 years ago or be middle class today?

👍  Henry’s Favorite

This is mainly for the history buffs, but it’ll be a fun and interesting icebreaker nonetheless.  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel), Would You Rather


Would you rather have a rewind button, a fast forward button, or a pause button on your life?  

These time travel icebreakers are always fun. Which would you choose?  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel), Would You Rather


Would you rather have more time or more money?  

Category: Would You Rather


Would you rather live in the city or the country?  

For a remote team, all of these location type of questions are good. It’s a unique situation to have people all over the world connecting weekly for work. You’ll learn more about where people choose to live and why.  

Category: Would You Rather


Would you rather meet your ancestors or meet your descendants?

👍  Henry’s Favorite  

Do people on your team prefer history or technology? Do they want to see where they came from or where their families are going?  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel), Would You Rather


Would you rather read an e-book or a paperback book?

This may set off a playful argument. You usually prefer one of the other.  

Category: Would You Rather, Books


Would you rather travel by plane, train, or automobile?  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel), Would You Rather


Would you rather visit the doctor or the dentist?  

Category: Would You Rather


You are sent back to the Middle Ages in a time machine the size of a hot tub. You can bring exactly one modern object to help you survive and thrive during that time. What do you bring?

👍  Henry’s Favorite

This question combines history, technology, personal preferences, and survival tactics. Expect to learn a lot about how your teammates’ think.  

Category: Travel (& Time Travel)


You have (get?) to sing karaoke, what song do you pick?

This is a unique way to get people to talk about the music they like. You’ll hear some good stories about karaoke, too.  

Category: Hobbies



Virtual Ice Breaker Questions That Started Great Discussions

  • If aliens landed on Earth tomorrow and offered to take you home with them, would you go?
  • If you can instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?
  • If you could be immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?
  • If you could have your wisdom teeth out 500 years ago once or in 500 years every 3 weeks, which would you choose?
  • If you had a time machine, would go back in time or into the future?
  • If you had to choose to live without one of your five senses, which one would you give up?
  • What is a unique phrase in your area of the world?
  • What is one thing we don’t know about you?
  • What is your best scar story?


My Personal Favorite Ice Breaker Games

  • Come up with two truths and a lie about yourself.
  • Submit one photo of something in your neighborhood.
  • Submit one photo of something in your house.
  • Would you rather be a jack of all trades or master of one?
  • Would you rather be filthy rich and live 400 years ago or be middle class today?
  • Would you rather meet your ancestors or meet your descendants?
  • You are sent back to the Middle Ages in a time machine the size of a hot tub. You can bring exactly one modern object to help you survive and thrive during that time. What do you bring?


Icebreaker Ideas That Got The Most Engagement

  • Do you think you’re an optimist or a pessimist, and why?
  • Give a video tour of your home office.
  • What is a book you’ve read recently and what influence has it had on you?
  • What is a unique award you have won?
  • What is a unique phrase in your area of the world?
  • What is one thing we don’t know about you?
  • What is something interesting about where you live?
  • Where would you like to live after you retire?


Want to add one of your favorite icebreakers for virtual meetings?

Has your team done a great icebreaker in a Zoom meeting recently? Or, does your company provide virtual meeting icebreaker games in some way? I’d like to add more ideas to the list. Get in touch here for a chance to have your icebreaker ideas added.

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