Daily Work Schedule Template

Daily Work Schedule Template

Template downloads: Canva | Excel | SheetsPDF

This is part of our series on work schedule templates. You can edit this daily work schedule template in one of three common software tools (Canva, Google Sheets, or Microsoft Excel) or print out the PDF.

Work Schedule Templates > Employee Schedules > Daily Work Schedule Template


What Is A Daily Work Schedule Template?

In this daily work schedule template, you can add roles (Manager, Cashier, Host, etc.) and add employee names by role and hour. The template currently has a 12-hour shift, but you can change the hours in the first column or add hours by adding rows. Update role names in the top row. Print out the blank version of the template as a PDF to fill in the schedule by hand and post at work.

  • Type of schedule: Employee
  • Duration: Daily
  • Daily business hours: Flexible/editable in the template
  • Shift length: Flexible/editable in the template
  • Average employee work hours per week: Flexible/editable in the template
  • Other names for this template: Daily schedule, daily hourly schedule
  • Typical industries: All/any


Daily Work Schedule Template Pros

  • Adjustable design that allows you to add, remove, or change your work hours, roles, and number of employees
  • Allows you to show a bit more information than a simple daily work calendar by including roles (rather than just hours and people)
  • Adjustable colors and fonts to brand it for your organization


Daily Work Schedule Template Cons

  • If you want to print it, the amount of roles are limited by the width of the page and the hours are limited by the length
  • Not great for big teams (more than 10 or so people)


Supercharge Work Schedules With Homebase

Build, share, and optimize employee schedules in one place.
Employee schedule software, HomebaseStatic work schedules in Excel or Sheets are a great start. But if you’d like to supercharge your schedule management, I strongly recommend Homebase.

  • Eliminate no-shows and confusion
  • Send automatic text reminders to employees
  • Track your team’s availability and more…

It’s free to use start with Homebase (1 location and up to 20 employees). So try it out, and if you like it, you can upgrade easily for $20 per month.
Try Homebase for free.


Similar Work Schedules

All of our work schedule templates are customizable in many different systems (Canva, Excel, and Google Sheets) so you can make each template your own. However, if our daily work schedule template isn’t the right fit for you, we have some similar ones that might work. 

Click the links below to try out similar staff schedule templates.

View the complete work schedule template library


Definitions For This Work Schedule Template

At the top of this post, we provided seven pieces of information about the daily work schedule template. This is how we define each of those terms:

  • Type of schedule: Every Buildremote schedule template fits into one of these main categories:
    • Employee: Daily, weekly, or monthly schedules to plan which staff members will work for certain times and days
    • Shift: Work schedules for teams that require shifts (8-, 10-, 12-, or 24-hour work blocks) each day
    • Corporate: Common schedules used by companies with knowledge workers (desk jobs)
    • Hybrid: Schedule templates for companies that have employees split their time in an office and remotely
    • Entrepreneur: Work planners and unconventional work schedules for self-employed people
  • Duration: The length of time that the schedule template covers:
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  • Daily business hours: The amount of hours that the organization will be open for business in a given day using this template
  • Shift length: The amount of hours employees will work each block of time before ending work (this is used primarily for the shift schedule templates)
  • Average employee work hours per week: The amount of hours each worker will log in a given week on this work schedule
  • Other names for this template: Other ways people refer to the same work schedule
  • Typical industries: The common types of organizations that typically use this schedule


Disclaimer: This template is not legal advice. Please advise your HR or legal team first to determine the right language and structure of your work schedule depending on your type of organization, employee status, and labor laws in your state or country.

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