Salary To Hourly Calculator

Use this salary to hourly calculator to quickly determine your hourly earnings from your annual salary. You can also customize the way you calculate salary to hourly earnings by changing the inputs: currency, salary, hours worked per week, and weeks worked per year. Want to reverse the calculation?Try our hourly to salary calculator. Instructions For The Annual To Hourly Salary Calculator Follow these steps to…

Hourly To Salary Calculator

Use this free hourly to salary calculator to quickly determine your annual salary from your hourly rate, hours worked, and weeks worked in a year. You can also customize the annual salary calculator for six common currencies. Instructions For Hourly To Annual Salary Calculator Follow these steps to calculate hourly to salary earnings in the tool above: Hit “Calculate.” The hourly to salary calculator will…

Time Card Calculator With Breaks: Free, Printable Time Sheets

Use this free time sheet/time card calculator to determine the amount of hours worked in a given work week based on start time, end time, and time allotted for a lunch break (30 minutes, 1 hour, etc). Then, customize the report by adding an employee’s name and the time period. Finally, print or save the PDF version of the time sheet. Instructions For The Time…

How To Propose & Take A Sabbatical From Work

The idea of taking a sabbatical from work can seem like it’s crazy. You’re too busy. You’re relied upon daily. How will the company operate without you? However, research has shown why a sabbatical may be worth pursuing – for you and your company. Here’s a complete look at how to take a sabbatical from work, from the proposal to the preparation. Click a link…

Sabbatical Leave: Should Your Company Offer A Program?

Since May 2021, there have been twice as many job openings as there are unemployed people, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Two jobs vying for one candidate means that companies need to innovate to attract and retain talent. Alongside the competition for talent, the concept of “burnout” at work has gained increasing traction, with employees and employers alike recognizing the need for meaningful…

24 Best Remote Jobs For Teachers In Summer

Just a heads up: some of the links in this article are affiliate links that may provide Buildremote with a small commission at no cost to you. Below, you’ll find 24 great remote jobs for teachers in the summer. The list starts out at the top with the jobs that have the most transferable skills as a teacher. These are the ones you’d likely be…

What Is A Sabbatical Leave From Work?

Companies have started to adopt a concept that has roots dating back to ancient times—the sabbatical leave. But what exactly is a sabbatical leave from work? How does it work, who is it for, and why is it becoming more prevalent in today’s workplace? This article answers the question, “What is sabbatical leave?” You’ll see a number of angles to answer that question – a…

How To Improve Your Remote Employee Engagement

Want to better engage remote employees and keep them engaged? I hate to say this… but you might have to stop doing so much first. That’s exactly what I learned managing a remote team for years – the more you’re online, the less engaged. The more shallow recognition, the less meaning. The more meetings and check-ins, the less bonding. In this guide, we start with what not…

How To Hire Remote Workers: 56 Tips

While some companies are calling their workers back to the physical office, others are making remote work permanent or offering it as an option. Remote hiring can broaden your access to talent; you’re no longer confined to candidates within your area, and instead can choose from workers around the world. But remote roles bring up new uncertainties around interviewing and hiring. Should you be prioritizing…

Asynchronous Communication: Running A Company Async-First

While remote work has redefined routines for most workers who once worked in a centralized office environment, one of the most significant changes is the way in which employees communicate with each other and with managers or team leaders. Unlike the spur-of-the-moment conversations that take place in offices where workers can pop in on a colleague down the hall to ask a question, asynchronous communication…