29 Alternative & Compressed Work Week Schedules

On September 25, 1926, Henry Ford announced his company would start working a five-day, 40-hour work week. The five-day work week was born and it was a breakthrough, clearly! It’s been friggin’ 95 years to the day, and we’re all still doing it. But as we approach a century since the preeminent work schedule was invented, people are finally starting to question it. After all,…

3-Day Work Week: The Complete Overview

The five-day work week is (still) the standard. The four-day work week is quickly becoming normalized. The three-day work week? For companies, it’s mainly a distant idea, but will likely grow in popularity as the four-day work week spreads. For entrepreneurs and freelancers, it’s happening right now (and might be an attainable goal for you). In this article, we break down everything you’ll need to…

Virtual Team Building Activities: 124 Sortable Ideas

Filter the list of virtual team building activities This list is… probably… way too many team building ideas. With the buttons below, you can filter the massive list by your preferences. The list will cut out anything that isn’t interesting to you. Try it out.   Here is your filtered list of the best virtual team building activities Monthly Donation We are doing a weekly…

No, Hybrid Work Is Not The Future.

The media has declared that the future of work is hybrid. (Just so we’re all on the same page, this is how I’d define hybrid work: The company plans to have employees working from home part of the time and in an office part of the time. That’s from our workplace dictionary). This argument for hybrid work comes off as lazy. The basic premise seems…