Formal Meeting Agenda Template

Formal meeting agenda

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Meeting Agenda Templates > Team Meeting Agendas > Formal Meeting Agenda

Formal Meeting Agenda

[Meeting Title]

  • Date: [Month Day, Year]
  • Time: [Hour:Minute AM/PM – Hour:Minute AM/PM]
  • Location: [Venue/Online Platform]
  • Meeting Facilitator: [Name and Position]
Topic Notes
Call To Order
Approval Of Previous Meeting Minutes
Topic Presentation #1
Topic Presentation #2
Action Items
Next Meeting


Formal Meeting Agenda Descriptions

  • Call to Order
    • The meeting facilitator calls the meeting to order
    • Welcome and opening remarks
    • Confirmation of quorum
  • Attendance
    • Roll call of attendees and their positions
    • Introduction of new members
  • Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
    • Review and approval of the minutes from the last meeting
    • Amendments or corrections (if any)
  • Announcements
    • Upcoming events 
    • Changes to key policies or procedures
    • Recognition of achievements/milestones
  • Reports
    • Specific reports from department heads, key metrics, etc.
  • Topic Presentations #1 & #2
    • Specific discussions that need to be addressed during this meeting
  • Action Items 
    • Recap of assigned action items and deadlines from the meeting
    • Confirmation of responsible persons
  • Next Meeting Details
  • Adjournment
    • Closing remarks
    • The meeting facilitator adjourns the meeting

See Also: 33 Meeting Purpose Examples


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