Request Work From Home For Personal Reasons [Email Templates]

Request Work From Home For Personal Reasons [Email Template]

Sometimes, you’ll need to work from home for personal reasons (and you don’t want to state the reasons). We have a few email templates for your exact scenario.

Here are four email request templates to work from home for personal reasons. Click one of the links below to jump to the template that fits your situation best:


Email request for personal reasons (not stated)

Subject: Request to work from home [time period: today, this week, etc.]

Hi [Name],

I hope you’re well.

Due to some personal reasons that [I need to attend to, I am working through, have come up], I am requesting to work from home for [today/the next few days].

I assure you that I will manage all of my current tasks and maintain full availability during working hours.

Thank you for your understanding. Should you have any immediate needs or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

[Your name]


Request to work from home temporarily (reason stated)

Subject: Temporary Work from Home Request

Hi [Boss’s first name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request the possibility of working from home temporarily for the upcoming [specific duration, e.g., a few weeks, a month]. This request is due to [insert reason here, e.g., a family member being unwell, my car undergoing repairs, the process of purchasing a new vehicle, etc.].

Working from home during this period would greatly assist me in managing these circumstances while ensuring my work responsibilities remain unaffected. Here’s how I plan to maintain productivity and communication:

  • Daily Updates: Quick morning check-in via [tool] for priorities and progress.
  • Availability: Reachable during work hours via [channels].
  • Setup: Equipped home office with necessary tech.
  • Project Tracking: Using [tool] to keep tasks on schedule.

I am committed to maintaining the highest level of performance during this period and am open to any suggestions you might have to make this arrangement successful.

Please let me know if we can discuss this request further or if there are any forms I need to complete to formalize this temporary work-from-home arrangement.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your feedback.


[Your name]


I will be working from home today” (notification)

Subject: Working from Home Today

Hi [Boss’s first name],

I wanted to let you know that I will be working from home today, [date], due to [reason – optional to include specific reason, e.g., awaiting an important delivery, slight illness, etc.]. 

I am equipped to complete all of my tasks remotely and will be available during usual working hours.

If there’s anything you need or if a situation arises that requires my immediate attention, please feel free to reach out to me via [preferred communication method].

Thank you for your understanding.


[Your name]


Work-from-home proposal due to a medical condition

Subject: Request for Permanent Remote Work

Hi [Boss’s first name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out to discuss a matter that’s personal and professional. 

Due to ongoing health concerns, specifically [mention the health issue, e.g., mobility challenges, heart disease, diabetes, etc.], my medical advisor has strongly recommended that I minimize [issues associated with condition].

Given these circumstances, and after careful consideration, I believe transitioning to a permanent remote work arrangement would be the most prudent course of action. This decision wasn’t made lightly but from a place of necessity, ensuring that I can maintain my health while continuing to contribute meaningfully to our team.

I understand this is a significant request and would like to discuss the plan and measurement for my remote role.

Could we set up a time to discuss this further? Here are some times I am free this week:

  • [Day]: [Time slot]
  • [Day]: [Time slot]
  • [Day]: [Time slot]

Thank you very much for considering my request and for your understanding. I look forward to our discussion and to finding a path forward that supports both my health needs and our company’s goals.

Warm regards,

[Your name]


Email Requests To Work From Home

This email template is part of our series on ways to request work from home. If you’d like to see some other options (and edit them in Google Docs or Microsoft Word), you can download all 18 templates for free.

Work from home email request

See Also:


Explore More Email Templates

Need help with other work-related emails? Check out these additional templates for various scenarios. Whether you’re reaching out to a job recruiter, confirming an interview, or following up after an interview, we’ve got you covered:

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