Benefits Of Hybrid Work: 25 For Employees, 24 For Employers

Benefits of hybrid work

While remote work continues to gain acceptance, not every company — and not every worker — is ready to go all remote, all the time. For those who appreciate in-person collaboration and an office to visit — but still want the freedom of a remote lifestyle — hybrid may be the answer.

But what is hybrid work?

It looks different for each company, but in most cases, a hybrid workplace may have a central office, but workers are not required to come in on a daily basis. Instead, employees are trusted to complete their tasks just about anywhere, whether that’s at home, in a cafe, or in the office. In some cases, certain workers may need to be in the office part-time; in others, most work completed elsewhere and the office is strictly reserved for meetings or group projects.

Hybrid work is particularly popular amongst those who miss in-person collaboration, but over the last year its enthusiasts have touted many other benefits. I wanted to know how hybrid work affected everyone, so I turned to my contributor list and asked what they thought the benefits of hybrid work were for employees and employers.

We received many responses — so many, in fact, that we had to break them into two sections.

Use the links below to see a list of benefits of the hybrid work model for the workers or the company.


Benefits Of Hybrid Work For Employees

Employees enjoy flexibility and control

The best things that hybrid work offers are flexibility and control. Having the power to choose where and when you work makes it easier for you to achieve a work-life balance and perform at your most optimal. If implemented right, a hybrid work situation can help create an ideal work environment that empowers employees.

– Simon Elkjær of avXperten


Hybrid work solves remote and in-person problems

Hybrid work blends the advantages of on-site and virtual work. The downsides of on-site work like exhaustion, traveling, and stress are reduced; the negative points of virtual work like less in-person communication and cohesiveness can be solved.

– Sean Byers of Best Choices for Seniors


Employees are much happier

Giving our employees the freedom to work when and where they choose has greatly increased their happiness. For some, it’s the psychological benefits of being in control of their schedules; for others, it’s the joy of having a beloved pet beside them as they work. When working from home, employees have the freedom to dress casually, enjoy home-cooked meals, and spend more time with loved ones. At the same time, we have a professional space in our office available when our employees wish to collaborate and socialize with colleagues in person.

– Anthony Martin of Choice Mutual


Collaboration is experiencing a renaissance

Hybrid work allows for more flexibility and creativity in how team members collaborate. For example, team members can choose to work together in person or remotely, depending on what makes the most sense for the task at hand. This new way of working opens up all sorts of possibilities for more efficient and effective collaboration.

– Caitlyn Parish of Cicinia


Freedom is motivating

I have noticed my productivity and output has increased as I feel I have more control and freedom with my job. It motivates me to work harder knowing I have the option to either stay at home if I’m not feeling sociable, or go into the office and see people face to face, which is always nice.

– Andrew Walker of Coffee Kingdom


Employees feel renewed responsibility

The varying environments in hybrid work can improve an employee’s focus and develop his or her creative juices — compared to being confined to an office cubicle. They develop a bigger sense of responsibility and take ownership of tasks, leading to personal growth. This reflects as increased productivity and better output.

– Ankit Batra of Hollyweed CBD


Lower stress means more productivity

Hybrid work, in my experience, leads to less stress and more productivity. That’s because employees have more control over their time. Also, they have the option not to be fully remote and collaborate on-site. This works well for those who prefer a more team-oriented work environment.

– Jack Miller of How I Get Rid Of


Better health and safety

With the recent pandemic, it is no surprise that many businesses are still opting for remote or hybrid work, which can minimize the transmission of germs from one person to the next. Hybrid employees can also use their own discretion and decide to work from home if they are feeling under the weather. This means less illness in the workplace, which increases productivity and the happiness and well-being of employees. Having fewer employees in the same place all packed in is helpful in decreasing the chances of germs and viruses from spreading.

– Jim Sullivan of JCSI


Individuals can work to their strengths

The hybrid model can provide flexibility and allow employees to work to their strengths, thus increasing productivity. By fostering a culture that sees remote work as a positive alternative to intensive in-office work, teams can find a good balance between creativity and collaboration. Employees who need quiet and quiet to focus or who thrive in an office environment can choose where and when they are most productive.

– Shabtai Dvir of


Reduced office time means reduced expenses

To me, the number one benefit is fewer expenses. I used to work in an office in the center of the city. And no matter which way you sliced it, lunch was expensive! So was transportation. And the moment I switched to working from home, I suddenly had a lot more money which I could save or spend however I liked.

– Velin Dragoev of Keen Fighter


Strengthened team spirit

The advantage of hybrid work is that it gives employees the flexibility they need without making them feel isolated. When employees work in a hybrid system, they interact with their team face-to-face, get to know them on a personal level, feel like part of a team, and most importantly, bounce ideas off each other a lot more easily. Working together as a team comes more naturally when done in person and can really help build the team spirit, which not only boosts employee engagement, but also productivity and satisfaction as they feel like part of something bigger than just themselves.

– Dan Apke of Land Investing Online


Improved employee satisfaction

I believe that a free work environment increases employee satisfaction. If companies provide freedom and decision-making on how, where, and when their employees work, employees are more likely to be satisfied — which means increased retention. Flexible work hours and a refreshing change of environment can increase the employee’s focus and productivity.

– Angus Chang of Petswithme


Creativity gets a shakeup (a good one)

Hybrid working allows for more creativity. I work better at home, but being able to come out of my comfort zone sometimes means I am shaking up the ideas in my head and not presenting the same old things. A hybrid system allows for home birds to work well from home and have their ideas shaken up in the office, which lets them make the next iteration of those plans even better. Some people will want to be in the office and leave their work at home, but if someone has ever worked freelance or has children, then their house has always been a place of work. It would be a shame to put that experience to waste now while we can use it.

– Stacy Cason of Planetarie


Employees have more opportunities for continuous learning

One great benefit of the hybrid work model is that because employees can choose to work wherever and whenever works best for them, they can also schedule their own time for learning and improvement more easily than if they were fully remote or office workers. Organizations need to create everyday opportunities for learning and reflection. This will encourage taking time for self-development.

– Mark Daoust of Quiet Light


Employees have more time to actually work

Hybrid work allows employees a higher degree of control over the cadence of the workday, providing the ability to tailor schedules to individual needs. We find that reducing in-person work unless absolutely necessary has made our operations more efficient as well, cutting down commutes drastically and giving people more actual work time. Many of the in-person elements — even in the construction industry — were simply rooted in tradition and not business necessity.

– Whitney Hill of SnapADU


A chance of scenery can work wonders

Hybrid work is ideal because it allows an employee to feel connected with their employer while still having the luxury of working from home, sans commute. Working from the same physical location can kill productivity. With a hybrid model, an employee can head to the office to work if they feel burned out at home, or vice versa. While you can continue to build a sense of community with your coworkers in the office, you can also hunker down and work independently from home.

– Gerald Lombardo of The Word Counter


Less time spent commuting

One benefit of hybrid work is less commuting time. The weekly office commute can greatly impact morale, energy levels, and productivity. Cutting the trip down to a couple of days a week can make your staff more efficient and happier and can reduce spending on perks like parking, mileage, and gas reimbursement.

– Michael Alexis of tiny campfire


More in-person socializing

Hybrid works gives employees the ability to meet up with coworkers and celebrate events, achievements, wins, birthdays, and more. It helps build relationships and an extra layer of interaction that remote work lacks.

– Eva Chung of Advantis Global


Employees see new flexibility in their lives

Hybrid work allows your team to build a work-life balance that responds to their lives while maintaining the connection needed to effectively collaborate. The inflexibility of strictly in-office or strictly remote work discourages creative thinking and healthy team relationships. Ultimately, you should aim to make your work model as flexible as life itself, which rarely follows a rigid routine.

– Benjamin Graham of AnswerConnect


Separate spheres for separate work

In-person interaction is very important, even if meetings, interviews, and conversations can be scheduled online. Visiting the office for brainstorming sessions and tasks involving collaboration eliminates the downside of remote work — the lack of human contact. Hybrid work provides opportunities to socialize at work, while allowing you to complete projects that require extreme focus and concentration in the quiet and tranquil environment of your home — perfect for individual work.

– Diana Vicheva of Expo Travel Group


Happier employees drive innovation

As research from the past two years has shown us, hybrid working offers a healthier work-life balance for employees. When staff feel trusted and able to have more autonomy over their own schedules, they tend to be happier and, as a result, more focused on their work. This undoubtedly benefits employees and employers alike. Hybrid teams can also be more dynamic, and different styles of collaboration often yield more innovative ideas.

– James Lloyd-Townshend, CEO and Chairman of Frank Recruitment Group


Diversity in the workweek

We’ve all experienced the “Sunday evening feeling” when the thought of returning to the office after a short break gets us moody and frustrated. Personally, knowing that my week is varied with different locations creates positive anticipation for the upcoming week.

– Ofir Kruvi of Jika


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Lower risk of burnout

Employees are less exposed to stress because they can change the work environment to a more relaxing one at home. They won’t need to worry about finding the time to arrange their private matters like getting home maintenance done. Finally, a hybrid environment reduces the “Groundhog Day” effect and eventually diminishes the likelihood of burnout.

– Justin Carpenter of Modern Maids


Increases in collaboration and cooperation

Having at least one day in the office makes it easier for teams to collaborate and work together since everyone is in the same place at the same time. This is particularly helpful for projects where there’s frequent shared work — when people can simply pop over to someone’s desk to ask them a question, the task can get completed faster.

– Logan Mallory of Motivosity


Hybrid work can be a huge time-saver

Without spending time on the commute, we get to do our tasks right away and possibly finish work earlier or at least use that time to enjoy coffee or read a newspaper or walk the dog. For those who are not getting any transport allowances, it saves money (instead of using it for petrol, which is skyrocketing right now, or purchasing bus or train tickets).

– Geninna Ariton of Trendhim


Benefits Of Hybrid Work For Employees

A committed, focused, and grateful workforce

A hybrid work calendar gives employees the advantage of making the most of diverse work environments, both at the office and at home. While the days they spend at the office or on-site refresh their commitment and help them find focus, the days they spend at home help them relax and rejuvenate while still staying on top of their duties. This mix of the best of two worlds helps create an energetic, committed, focused, and thankful workforce.

– Dillon Hammond of Achieve TMS East


Lower operational costs

A hybrid work environment means there will be fewer people in the office. As the number of employees working from the office decreases, so will the associated costs. Companies will require less physical space, reducing the cost of office supplies and rent. Utility bills will also decrease, highly benefiting employers.

– Angela Blakenship of Best Neighborhood


Greater possibility of hiring the right people

A hybrid remote system was the best thing to happen to our company. Locally, there will be so many people with the right skill set for the role you need to cover, but some will not apply to a role if they have to be in the office all the time. Some of the best writers, management, and salespeople are stuck in a loop of not finding work because they cannot be in the office the whole week. By offering this olive branch of hybrid working, you get the best person for your job, and they get the peace of mind of being able to have a job that works for them. Everyone is winning in this scenario, something that can not be said for companies forcing their workforce back to the office.

– Mike Walsh of Cloud My Biz


Stronger team performances

Many firms can accomplish meaningful innovation if employees can meet face to face at least sometimes. When all workers work from home and only meet digitally, it’s harder to develop and grow. Traditional office work and face-to-face encounters facilitate teamwork. It allows employees to socialize with coworkers, chat during breaks, and share ideas in informal in-person chats. Remote working technologies allow employees to engage with others, although not like in an office. “Zoom Fatigue” can lead to worse communication and less collaboration in remote work.

– Alex Savy of ComfyNorth


Good work gets done faster

Hybrid work allows for great flexibility that team members can accomplish tasks anywhere they are. It’s all a matter of planning, communicating, and timely control of the different opportunities and challenges that arise. The speed and efficiency this allows the organization is something people in the past wished they had. The opportunity is available for everyone now, so let’s not waste it.

– Christiaan Huynen of Desigbro


Results, not behavior, become performance indicators

In the typical work model, performance is evaluated based on who is quietly working at their desk. Although it’s simple to appear busy, staying seated doesn’t necessarily mean you’re working productively. Behavior shouldn’t determine a worker’s productivity. Since there is no physical component when working remotely, delivery timeframes and results are the only real performance indicators. With hybrid working, managers have a clearer picture of output because productivity is focused on results rather than behaviors.

– Paul Somerville of Electric Scooter Guide


Companies can identify bottlenecks faster — and take action

One of the advantages of giving the team the chance to meet once or twice a week is that it makes it so much easier to identify bottlenecks, pain points, or any problems and take the necessary action to fix them. This can be a problem in communication, team management, work environment, or even spotting a demotivated employee and taking action to figure out the problem and find a solution before it affects the work and employee too much.

– Zachary Weiner of Finance Hire


Better relationships across the company

As an employer, hybrid working has really allowed me to get to know my employees better. It’s one of the more unexpected benefits to come from it, but let me explain. There are fewer people working from the offices, so it’s a more close-knit community. Moreover, virtual one-to-ones are a great opportunity to get to know employees, whereas it would have been a quick word in person and then back to our desks.

– Anthony Quint of Get On Stream


Reduced overhead spending can be reinvested

In a hybrid workplace, it’s normal to see reduced occupancy levels as some work from home while others work in the office. As a lot of the space becomes underutilized, you can cut down on costs proactively by downsizing. Rent makes up a significant portion of a company’s outgoings — particularly for larger enterprises with greater needs for space. Working in a smaller space allows employers to put extra cash towards office supplies, new tech, or even gifts, all in an effort to show employees more appreciation for their hard work.

– Max Wesman of GoodHire


Hybrid work can lower turnover

From our experience, we can say that the hybrid work format increases employee productivity and, as a result, the level of employee satisfaction and retention. It also significantly reduces the risks of unplanned turnover. According to the results of different recent surveys, employees’ work-life balance significantly improves when working hybrid or remotely, people become more productive working from home, they note mental health improvements and have more physical activity. All these factors allow people to stay in their jobs longer.

– Anastasia Dyomina of Jooble


Organizations are getting even more tech-savvy

A hybrid workplace, with its mix of WFH, hot-desking, and other innovative work routines, provides just the right environment to adopt tech-savvy work processes. From the adoption of the latest tools for effective collaboration to equipping your workforce with the latest in tech and security, a hybrid environment enables a business to climb several rungs as far as technology is concerned. This not only enhances the overall productivity and efficiency of a business, but also boosts employee motivation and skills while reducing exhaustion and stagnation.

– Kris Harris of Nootka Saunas


Healthier workplaces mean a healthier company

When there is a limited number of individuals in an office, you have a far lower risk of health and safety incidents — and when you have structures in place to work from home where necessary, people can stay home when ill without putting their income at risk. Overall, people will be getting sick far less frequently, and even when they do, they may still be able to work without risk to their colleagues. This boosts productivity — always a win!

– Michelle Henry of Outdoor Dog Fun


Improved employer-employee trust

This, in my opinion, is a massive benefit of hybrid work. Trust between employers, managers, and employees is crucial to a healthy, productive workplace. A hybrid work style helps individuals gain employers’ trust by showing they’re equally as effective working remotely as in the office. I believe a hybrid work style can boost worker loyalty by empowering individuals to finish their work on their own terms. If allowed to combine work with personal duties and errands, employees won’t feel “watched” by management or that every non-work action is being analyzed. In addition, management benefits from not micromanaging or continually checking on people to see if they’re working.

– Adam Wood of RevenueGeeks.


Hybrid work improves retention

53% of young Americans say they would look for a new job if their employers repealed hybrid work. That’s half the young workforce. Employers who want to keep employees in this tough labor market must respect their employees’ comfort.

– Oliver Hudson of Word Finder


Less work disruption when things go wrong

One benefit of hybrid work is less disruption due to uncontrollable events. Because there is already a protocol to work from home some days of the week, employees can easily transition between work environments in case of a natural disaster, minor tragedy, or illness. With increasing climate events, it makes sense to have the ability to work from home with little notice yet minimal time lost.

– Carly Hill of Virtual Holiday Party


More choice means more efficient operations

Allowing workers to work when and where they choose allows them to maximize their productivity. Some individuals thrive in the early hours of the day; others prefer the late hours of the night. The combination of more flexibility and enhanced attention results in higher production.

– Lulu Albanna of WRC Media


Reduced carbon footprint

The traditional office model is not very environmentally friendly, as it requires employees to commute to work every day, often using cars or public transport. This can lead to a lot of unnecessary carbon emissions, as well as other environmental pollution. A hybrid work model can help to reduce the carbon footprint of your organization, as employees can choose to work from home on days when they don’t need to come into the office.

– Danielle Bedford of Coople


Enabled teams are happier and more engaged

Hybrid work is great because it combines the best of both worlds — the flexibility that remote work provides with the camaraderie of an office. It’s 2022; nobody wants to be tied to their office desk 40 hours a week, but for many, a 100% remote experience is isolating and can take a toll on mental health. But with a hybrid workplace model, you’re entrusting team members to be more flexible in creating their own schedules. This sets the tone for better work-life balance, which is shown to increase engagement and productivity — a win-win for employers and employees alike!

– Amanda Haynes of Ganttic


Access to a wider female talent pool

Hybrid work opens the possibility of tapping into a wider female talent pool. Too many women have to stay at home a part of the day or some days of the week for various reasons. Hybrid work allows them to bring value to the workforce while staying on top of other obligations.

– Isabella Gordan of Sleepys Express


Increased potential for reteaming

Remote and hybrid work allow executives to rearrange teams based more, or even entirely, on the required set of complementary abilities rather than proximity. As a matter of habit, the team previously worked in close proximity. Collaboration across multiple offices and nations has increased enormously with remote employees, and the coffee station is now virtual.

– Tim Parker of Syntax Integration


Satisfaction contributes to a sense of belonging

Hybrid work helps build a sense of belonging, which is a bit blurry in fully remote environments. It contributes to employees’ work-life balance: less commuting means more quality time to spend with people that matter to them. Still, it is a democratic way to work, increasing performance and satisfaction, both crucial to building that sense of belonging.

– Ricardo L. Von Groll of Talentify


A deeper focus on company objectives

One of the biggest issues of working remotely is that employees tend to forget that they’re part of something bigger and just focus on their own work. However, meeting in a hybrid work structure for a couple of times a week gives employers the opportunity to remind employees of their overall objectives and how their part fits into the bigger picture. This helps employees feel the importance of what they’re doing and understand the dynamics of the situations and the role they play in helping the company meet its objectives and become successful.

– John Gardner of Kickoff

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Employers will get the very best work out of their talent

Some kinds of work are best done in collaborative environments, where people can work together in the same space. Brainstorming, ideation, and coming up with creative solutions to problems are among them. Other kinds of work — writing, in-depth analysis, for example — is best done in an environment that allows focus. Hybrid work arrangements allow the employee to do their best work for the company by choosing the right place to do that work.

– Alan Edwards of Undercover Recruiter


More effective use of in-office time

People start to perceive their time in the office as a scarce resource. They already know offline meetings with colleagues are more effective and, if needed, will ensure to meet when all parties are in the office while making the best use of everyone’s time. The same applies to individual tasks that require in-office presence. Employees are more likely to optimize their routines to accomplish their in-office tasks as they won’t be able to complete them from home.

– Charles Cridland of YourParkingSpace


Hybrid Work Model: The Complete Overview

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