Hourly To Salary Calculator

Use this free hourly to salary calculator to quickly determine your annual salary from your hourly rate, hours worked, and weeks worked in a year. You can also customize the annual salary calculator for six common currencies.

Hourly to Salary Calculator


Annual Pay:

Monthly Pay :

Weekly Pay:

Want to reverse the calculation?
Try our salary to hourly calculator.

Instructions For Hourly To Annual Salary Calculator

Follow these steps to calculate hourly to salary earnings in the tool above:

  1. Currency: Pick from one of six currencies – US Dollar, Euro, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Indian Rupee, or Bitcoin – to use for your calculation. The calculator defaults to the US Dollar.
  2. Hourly Pay: Enter how much you earn per hour.
  3. Work Hours Per Week: Enter the amount of hours you work each week (your weekly work schedule). This defaults to a 40-hour work week.
  4. Work Weeks Per Year: Enter how many weeks you work per year. This defaults to 52 weeks (every week throughout the year).

Hit “Calculate.” The hourly to salary calculator will return your annual, monthly, and weekly pay in a green box just below the calculator.

Uses For The Annual Salary Calculator

There are a number of reasons to calculate annual salary from hourly rate:

  • Set an annual budget based on annual earnings rather than hourly.
  • Compare your annual earnings to average salaries for your position or salaries on job posts.
  • Figure out how much to pay for a position you are hiring for.
  • Determine how much to charge as an entrepreneur to hit your desired annual earnings.

How To Calculate Annual Salary From Hourly Rate


To calculate your annual salary from your hourly rate, use this formula:

Annual salary = Hourly rate * number of hours worked per week * number of weeks worked per year

Here are some examples:

  • $15 * 40 * 52 = $31,200
  • $20 * 40 * 52 = $41,600
  • $25 * 40 * 52 = $52,000
  • $30 * 40 * 52 = $62,400
  • $100 * 40 * 52 = $208,000

Google Sheets Or Excel

If you’d rather do your hourly to salary calculation in Google Sheets or Excel, use this spreadsheet template.

  • If you’re logged into a Google/Gmail account, you can use the Google Sheets workbook by making a copy (File > Make a copy).
  • Or, you can use it in Microsoft Excel by downloading it (File > Download > Microsoft Excel).

Related Resources To Our Hourly To Salary Calculator

We’ve built out some related work calculators and resources to help answer common questions about work hours, days, earnings, and more.

Other Work Time Calculators

Here are a few other free calculators we’ve built that are closely related to our hourly to salary one:

Articles To Help You Calculator Work Periods

Here are some additional articles you might find useful to calculate business hours, days, and weeks:

Disclaimer: This calculator is not legal advice. Please advise your HR or legal team first to determine the right work hour calculations and salaries depending on your type of organization, employee status, and labor laws in your state or country.

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