31 Useful Meeting Goals & Objectives

Meeting goals & objectives

High-Level Meeting Goals

Here are the five most common meeting goals that come up over and over again in an organization.

1. Strategic Decision-Making and Planning

  • Make data-driven decisions for critical and urgent issues.
  • Formulate long-term strategic plans and set quarterly goals.
  • Evaluate and adjust business strategies across various departments (sales, marketing, operations).

Common in these types of meetings: Leadership Meetings, Board Meetings, Strategic Planning Meetings, Operations Meetings


2. Team Coordination and Project Management

  • Get the team aligned on deliverables and company-wide updates.
  • Plan and review tasks for current and upcoming projects or sprints.
  • Coordinate efforts across teams and higher management.

Common in these types of meetings: Project Management Meetings, Project Kick-off Meetings, Standup Meetings, Scrum Meetings


3. Performance Review and Improvement

  • Review individual and departmental performance.
  • Set and assess performance metrics for individual contributors.
  • Provide support and guidance for personal and professional development.

Common in these types of meetings: Performance Review Meetings, Board Meetings, Level 10 Meetings, 1:1 Meetings


4. Communication and Relationship Building

  • Introduce new team members and integrate new employees into the company.
  • Build personal relationships among team members through regular updates and feedback.
  • Facilitate open discussions to share daily progress and resolve key business issues.

Common in these types of meetings: Non-work Meetings, Team Meetings, Staff Meetings, 1:1 Meetings, Mentoring Meetings, Skip-Level Meetings


5. Idea Generation

  • Share ideas in unstructured settings and generate priorities for new initiatives.
  • Launch new internal projects and begin client projects.
  • Reflect on past actions to enhance future performance and innovation.

Common in these types of meetings: Brainstorming Meetings, Brown Bag Sessions, Strategic Planning


Meeting Goals & Objectives By Meeting Type

Here are 31 meeting goals and objectives that are tied specifically to a meeting type.

Meeting Type

Meeting Goal

Meeting Objectives

Make big, important decisions based on data

- Review company metrics and progress
- Discuss strategic initiatives
- Outline leadership responsibilities and action items

Get the whole team on the same page about what's being delivered

- Share progress on current projects
- Identify challenges and solutions
- Plan for upcoming tasks

Introduce new people to the team

- Introduce new team member
- Introduce existing team members to the new team member
- Define team objectives - Establish roles and responsibilities

Communicate company-wide updates

- Provide updates on company performance
- Highlight department achievements

Review department performance and strategize

- Update on department metrics
- Review performance and set improvement goals
- Engage in open feedback and discussion

Build personal relationships among team members

- Participate in icebreakers
- Facilitate open discussion on non-work-related topics

Review individual performance and help clear roadblocks

- Review roles and responsibilities
- Provide feedback and guidance
- Plan next steps for growth and development

Review weekly work and help clear roadblocks

- Discuss past week's achievements and challenges
- Set priorities for the coming week
- Offer feedback and assistance

Set quarterly metrics and goals for an individual contributor

- Review past performance - Establish new personal and professional goals
- Discuss resources needed to achieve these goals

Evaluate performance for an individual contributor

- Assess achievements and areas for improvement
- Discuss career development plans
- Set objectives for the next review period

Formulate strategic plans for multiple years

- Conduct SWOT analysis
- Define strategic priorities and goals
- Develop action plans and allocate resources

Provide support to a mentee for their personal development

- Discuss progress toward existing goals
- Discuss a specific area to improve and grow
- Set goals and next steps

Help leadership steer the company toward its mission and goals

- Review financial reports and executive updates
- Approve key decisions and policies
- Discuss old and new business

Decide on how to address urgent and critical issues

- Declare state of emergency
- Approve emergency measures and actions
- Establish communication plans

Discuss and resolve key issues the business faces

- Review scorecard and KPIs
- Discuss and resolve key issues
- Plan and refine company priorities

Connect higher management with indirect reports

- Discuss roles and personal experiences within the company
- Gather feedback on management and processes
- Identify areas for improvement and support

Coordinate on current projects

- Update on project progress
- Plan next phases and assign tasks
- Address challenges and brainstorm solutions

Plan the next sprint's tasks and goals

- Review previous sprints and adapt plans
- Define sprint goals and backlog items
- Allocate resources and assign responsibilities

Share and listen to daily progress on tasks from all team members

- Share individual updates and blockers
- Foster quick decision-making and support

Review outcomes of the sprint and gather feedback

- Demonstrate new features and product updates
- Gather feedback and discuss potential improvements
- Plan for next steps based on review

Reflect on the past sprint to improve future sprints

- Discuss what went well and what didn’t
- Identify lessons learned and areas for process improvement
- Agree on actions to enhance the next sprint

Prioritize and refine what's being worked on

- Review and prioritize backlog items
- Estimate efforts and discuss dependencies
- Update backlog based on current project needs and team capacity

Launch an internal initiative or project

- Introduce project scope and roles
- Outline the roadmap and release plans
- Discuss initial sprint plans and expectations

Begin a new client project

- Introduce project teams and outline roles
- Review project objectives and timelines
- Establish communication protocols and next steps

Review sales targets and discuss how to improve

- Review sales metrics and pipeline status
- Celebrate wins and learn from losses
- Adjust strategies and plan for upcoming challenges

Assess quarterly sales results and discuss how to improve

- Evaluate performance against targets
- Identify challenges and successes
- Set goals for the next quarter and discuss necessary training

Review the marketing department's performance and adjust strategy

- Update on department metrics
- Review performance and set improvement goals
- Engage in open feedback and discussion

Review the operational metrics of the business and adjust strategy

- Review operational metrics and progress
- Discuss new initiatives and resource needs
- Plan improvements and strategies for better efficiency

Bring new employees into the company and train them

- Conduct welcome and introductory meetings
- Review roles, responsibilities, and company culture
- Provide training on tools and systems

Share ideas or learn in an unstructured setting

- Present interesting topics or case studies
- Engage in Q&A to deepen understanding
- Encourage knowledge sharing among employees

Generate and prioritize ideas for a project or problem

- Set rules for brainstorming and encourage creativity
- Brainstorm solutions or improvements
- Prioritize ideas and assign tasks for development



Supercharge Work Schedules With Homebase

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Employee schedule software, HomebaseStatic work schedules in Excel or Sheets are a great start. But if you’d like to supercharge your schedule management, I strongly recommend Homebase.

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It’s free to use start with Homebase (1 location and up to 20 employees). So try it out, and if you like it, you can upgrade easily for $20 per month.
Try Homebase for free.


See Also: 33 Meeting Purpose Examples | The Guide To Meeting Etiquette


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